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cindys pov
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| wednesday march 1st 8:13 PM |

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| wednesday march 1st 8:13 PM |

"my baby's really eighteen" my mom sighs as she walks into the kitchen with all of my friends. mom decided to throw a big party at our house to celebrate my eighteenth birthday today. i can't lie, it's been stressful. family popping up every few minutes to
catch up and talk to me. "she really is" i smile at her, embracing her in a hug. she hugs me back tightly and looks over at jack. "do you know what time your mothers getting here? i haven't seen her in so long." she asks jack. "she left about fifteen minutes ago so it should be any second now." jack smiles at her. she gives him a nod and walks out of the kitchen.

"she's everywhere right now" nia points out causing me to nod. "you're telling me" i shake my head with a small laugh and look over at jack and smile out of habit. he places his hands on my waist and looks down at me. "happy birthday baby" he whispers in my ear. i started to get goosebumps all over from how close we were and not to mention the million butterflies swarming in my stomach right now.

before i could reply the kitchen door bursts open. "happy birthday cindyyy" latrelle shouts in a deep voice. i look up at jack and see his jaw is clenched. "hey, thank you" i say lowly and he smiles. "any time, but can i talk to you guys?" he asks looking between jack and i. "yeah sure" i nod and jack nods. he looked pissed.  we follow latrelle out side and he turns to face us when the front door is closed. "look.. i fell really bad about hitting on your girl like i did and coming off the way i did to you." he starts, making me smile at his apology. he's actually not a bad guy. i know he'd make a good friend and i'm glad that this is a start.  "i hope we could all start over. only if that's cool with you guy though. i don't want to be stepping over any more boundaries." he adds. i nod. "it's okay, i don't mind at all." i tell him making him smile. i look over at jack. he looks down at me and sighs. "yeah it's cool man" he says, holding out his hand. they do the basic bro hug and latrelle pulls away and claps once loudly.

"alright cindy, bring it in."he says holding his hand out to do the same to me. i laugh and hug him. "but for real m- girl, happy birthday" he smiles down at me. "thank you" i tell him. "we should probably go inside now though" i tell them, opening the door and walking back into the house with them following closely behind me.

"cindy! come here there's some people i want you to meet." adam tells me almost immediately as if he had been looking for me. i walk over to him and he smiles. "my mom and dad showed up today and i'd love for you to meet them" he explains, guiding me over to a couple that looked so sweet. "i'll be right back" i mouth in jacks direction causing him to wink and turn to latrelle where they start conversation.

i know they haven't completely resolved things but i'd really like us all to be friends. i want jake to feel welcome into our friend group, what a better way to than letting him introduce his friends to the group. he wouldn't feel as left out at first since he wouldn't know what to say or talk about. he'd feel right at place if one of his friends were with him, it'd comfort him more.

"mom, dad. this is veronica's daughter cindy. cindy, this is my dad paul and this is my mother claudia" adam explains making his parents smile at me. "you look exactly like your mother... absolutely gorgeous" she says making me smile warmly at her. i've never been one to have the highest self esteem but hearing that i look like my mom boosts it a little. i've always loved the way she looked. "thank you so much." i thank her. "i know we don't really know you all that well... so i hope we can get to know each other and i'm hoping you will like the gift we got you." she says slowly. her voice was shaky but held a genuine tone the whole time making my heart melt. "i would love to, maybe we could catch some lunch one day? and you didn't have to, but i'm sure i'll absolutely love it." i smile at her. "that'd be perfect honey. i'll sort the details out with adam. i'll let you go now... seems you have some people waiting on you." she laughs glancing behind me, most likely looking over at jack and latrelle. "it was so nice to finally meet you. veronica is always talking about you." she adds. "it was nice to meet you too."

"that was actually really stressful" i laugh, collapsing on my bed after everyone had let. i feel like i could pass out. "why" jack asks me, laying his head down on my stomach and looking over at me. "so. many. people." i state. he laughs at me and shakes his head. "there really was." he laughs. "but it was a good day right?"

"it was really good" i sit up. "the year before
last there was actually a fight at my birthday party my mom had." i laugh making him smile. "my uncle and his wife's brother. it was hilarious but brutal at the same time if that makes sense" i explain. "i don't even remember what they were fighting over, i just remember it  being the dumbest thing." i tell him, he moves and sits up next to me. "i'm
glad you and latrelle resolved things." i go on. he shrugs, seeming a little off about it.

"what?" i ask with furrowed eyebrows. "i just don't know to feel about it yet... just seems weird to me" he explains with another shrug. "well we're just friends.. i don't see latrelle in the way i see you. i don't see anyone in the way i see you... there's nothing to worry about. i promise" i laugh at him. "i know.. i.. it's just i know how guys are.. you know? so i don't know.. i just feel like he's still going to try something."

"if he does try something, then i give you
permission to beat his ass. we've already told
him enough times." i smile making him smile as well. "i would do it with out your permission if i'm being honest" he laughs causing me to shake my head at him. "i really need to get going though..." he sighs, sitting up from my bed. "already?" i whine. "baby, my mom told me to be home by eleven." he laughs, looking down at me. he had amusement written all over his face. "fine, i'll walk you out."

we hurry out to his car and i sigh when we reach it. "drive safe please..." i tell him earning a smile. his eyes were glowing from the way the moonlight hit them. i love looking at them, they always look different than before. they light is always hitting them differently making the colors lighter or show more than before. i loved it. they were beautiful.

"i'll do my best."

"okay.. text me when you get home. i'm serious like as soon as you pull into your drive way." i demand making him laugh. "i'll be fine" he laughs at me. "i know it's just a longer drive. you should just stay the night." i joke. he smiles down at me again. "you know i would."

"i love you..." i say lowly, still not used to the whole us saying it part. i'm not complaining... i really like it, it's just hard to get used to
something that i never expected to
actually happen. it's an adjustment, that's for sure. "i love you" he says looking down at me, leaning in for a kiss as he pulled me closer to him by my waist. when i kiss him i wish it would never end. i wish they could just go on forever. but sadly they do and i'm
left wanting more.


hope u enjoyed the chapter

kinda boring tbh but i didn't know what to write.

hbd cindy tho

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