9 pt.1

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PSA: so i'm going to write two chapters labeled as chapter 9. it would be a really long chapter if i kept the whole day as one.

hope that made sense. lol.

cindy's pov
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| friday, october 29 10:28 AM |

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| friday, october 29 10:28 AM |

i watch as jack walks in with his hoodie in one hand and letterman in the other. he was being serious? i didn't think he'd actually bring it. i thought maybe he'd forget or it was just a joke. "here you go" he says handing it to me with a smile. "try it on for me" he adds causing me to smile a little
but. he wants me to try it on for him?

"it's huge" i laugh standing up when it was finally on. my whole upper body was being swallowed by his jacket. the arms were too long and it didn't fit because it was too wide due to his build. "it's warm tho" i say looking down at my body in it. "and i thought i looked good in it" he tells me causing butterflies to go crazy in my stomach. "considering your size and the jacket size, it will do you good at the game tonight" he smiles making me smile as well. i really get to wear his jacket tonight while i watch him play. "so who do you play tonight?" i ask as i start to slide it off, it was starting to get too warm to wear in the building. "the cardinals...lake shore" he elaborates with a small laugh since i looked lost. "they're good" he adds.

"how good?"

"lost to them by 2 touchdowns and a field goal" he tells me while deadpanning. he seemed to hate the cardinals. they can't be super good if it was only two touch downs, but sometimes two touch downs can make it hard to catch up. "i'm sure you'll do good tonight, i mean you did good at practice yesterday." i explain causing him to smile. "you actually watch those when you're out there?" he asks me, sounding like he didn't fully believe it. "enough to see you lose to nate in sprints" i press. he dead pans in my direction again with his lips slightly parted. "do you even know how fast nate is?i don't even think he was trying yesterday" he retorts, shaking his head like it was crazy how fast nate was. it's true nate was fast, i remember always losing to him in the races we'd have to do in gym back in junior high.

"he is pretty fast" i agree with a convincing head nod. "yeah i'd like to see you running those sprints against him" he teases. i let out a laugh and shake my head. "oh no, i do not run."

"why not?"

"you seem like you'd be a great athlete, if were being honest here."

his statement made me laugh. me? a great athlete? i can't even run up the stairs half the time, there's no way i'd be able to do that.

"hell no" i disagree.


"what?" i ask confused. "nothing, i just think that's the first time i've ever heard you cuss." he shrugs. "hell isn't even a bad word"  i state crossing my arms over my chest with a smirk. he lets out a small gasp making me laugh a little at his reaction. "profanity...watch it" he warns playfully.

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