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cindys pov
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| thursday february 24 5:57 PM |

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| thursday february 24 5:57 PM |

"we really graduate in two months..." sammy says with a sigh as we all sit around his living room talking about anything and everything. i look over at jack and see an unreadable small smile on his face causing me to lean my head on his shoulder. "it's all gone by so fast." nia shakes her head, adding onto sammy's statement. "so what do you guys plan to do after it's all over?" she adds, looking around at all of us. "well...
jack and i have kind of been wanting to do music.." johnson speaks up. this is the first
time they've told anyone besides me. it was a big moment for them. "music? since when?" nia asks, confused as to how this came about. "we were just messing around and i guess we just started to really like the feel of it... believe it or not we actually aren't that bad" jack answers making me smile. i still haven't heard anything which is a little
bit of a downer but i can't complain.. it's their skill, they can share it when ever with who ever. it shouldn't be just because i want to hear them. it should be when they want to and they're comfortable with sharing it.

"let's hear something then." she smiles, leaning forward. jack laughs, shaking his head and johnson does the same. "oh come on, how are we supposed to believe you're good if you don't share it?" she tests making them laugh again. "we're still working out some kinks in our first song." jack explains making her nod. "but when we finish it... you guys will definitely hear it." he adds with a smile that warms my heart. he's so genuine. "okay sammy your turn... what are your plans?" she asks, taking the spot light off of them and onto someone else. he stays quiet for a second, contemplating what to tell us about what he wants to do.

"i think i want to do something like the army or navy.. some shit like that. i feel like it'd be a cool experience." he says earning a gasp from nia. "but that's dangerous. you could get hurt..." she says, actually sounding concerned about him. it took us all off guard. her words made him smile. "awe is nia worried about me." he says in a sarcastic caring tone. she scoffs and shakes her head. "no, you're just so stupid you'd end up hurting yourself." she rolls her eyes, most likely trying to cover her slip up. he lets out a laugh and shakes his head. "it sounded an awful lot like you cared." he smirks. she rolls her eyes again. "but isn't that dangerous... you could get hurt." he repeats her words from before, attempting to use her same deeply concerned tone that she used. "because you could." she crosses her arms over her chest making him laugh and stand up. he moves across the living room and takes a seat on the arm of the recliner she was sitting in. he leans over on her and tosses his arm over her shoulder and smiles. "nia i'll be fine, it's not that bad."

"whatever. nate how about you?" she asks, ignoring his words with a loud sigh. "probably just continue dealing. maybe some college, who knows." he shrugs like he didn't care. "oh come on there has to be something you could do besides the highly illegal job you have now." she laughs at him. he stays quiet and thinks hard. "well i mean i can do welding pretty good" he shrugs again making her smile. "see, go to welding school. it's not that long and you can get out and make a bunch of money as well." she explains. "i don't know nia... i make quite a lot with what i'm doing now." he shakes his head. "you guys are all so stubborn. cindy, what are you going to do?" she asks me.

"well traveling at first, then i want to do something with art. adams friend has already bought one of my paintings and i feel like that gave me some reassurance on how good i actually am." i explain with a smile. "ohhh is that what the bracelet is for?" sammy asks like he had put it all together. j look down i my wrist to see the charm bracelet jack had gotten me for valentine's day and smile. that day was perfect. everything about it was... there was nothing imperfect about it, jack was there, we were laughing, he was smiling...


"yes" jack answers as i look back over at him. his arm was still around nia, surprisingly she didn't shove him off of her yet. "dude i couldn't tell what it was for i thought you got it for her cause she was your world. i was like what type of cheesy shit is this man on." he laughs at him self. either way i still would have loved it. he throws his arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead. nia and sam immediately respond with childish gags in unison with out planning. they look at each other and burst into laughter. they are both so childish. i can't even tell you how they're going to make it with out someone by their side at all times.

"nia what do you want to do?" sammy asks when they both calm down from their laughter. "okay so i have it all planned out. i'm going to crests my own clothes line, then around christmas time and if cindy is still traveling i'm visiting her where ever she is or if she's here that makes it even better. then i'm going to get married by twenty four and have three kids by twenty nine." she answers matter of factly making us all laugh at her over exposed plan. it was always cute how she planned everything out. i loved that about her. we've both had that trait since we were little. just sitting in our rooms planning everything out. it's no shock she wants to
do design, she's always loved it. ever since we were kids she's always loved dressing me up or attempting to design her own clothes with blankets and fabric.

"i feel like you've been waiting to answer like that since you asked" nate laughs at her. she reply's with a shrug and a smile. "don't worry about it." she laughs, shaking her head.
"okay fine, yes i have." she adds since she can never hold in a lie or anything around
that area. she's always been like that.

"samuel wilkinson!" a woman shouts as she enters the front door. sammy's face drops and he jumps away from nia and stands up. "y yes ma'am?" he stutters curiously making it hard for all of us to hold back our laughter. "why the hell did i get a call from the school... anything you'd like to explain to me before i tell you what they called about?" she tests him to see what he will say. we all stand up and look at sam. "were going to head out" nate nods, throwing his head towards the door. we all hurry to
our cars. jack and i jump in his car and burst into laughter.

"y yes ma'am" he mimicked sounding as scared as sam did making me laugh. "that was so hard not to laugh at." i smile, looking over at him to see he's already looking at me with a look that made me want to melt.

"i love you" i blurt out, not even thinking about it. his eyes widen for a second and he looks away making my heart drop. i move my head a little further so maybe i could see his expression. a wide set smile was on his lips. he looks relieved. "i.. you told me how you felt at the party and i love you too.." i explain making him face me and smile even wider.
"thank goodness." he sighs. "i woke up saturday and felt so embarrassed since you didn't say it back." he exhales quickly. "well i couldn't exactly.. i had to figure myself out and i honestly wouldn't have been able to because of nate." i answer honestly. he leans in and kisses me passionately. "smile again" he tells me when he pulls apart, looking down at my lips. i couldn't help but to smile at his words causing him to lean back in and kiss me again.

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