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cindy's pov
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| monday november 15, 12:03 PM |

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| monday november 15, 12:03 PM |

"i can't even tell you how much this means to me, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me in my entire life." i smile sarcastically at chris after he told me i had to give him a heart warming thank you. "that was somewhat heart warming, i guess you can have it." he shrugs as he hands me the cookie. i examine it, still nervous he will prank me again and hand me raisin instead of chocolate chip. "it's not raisin" he defends making me smile some. "okayy" i give in, taking a bite. he always has the heat cookies, well his mom always makes the best cookies. it's like i fall in love with them all over again every time i take another bite.

"you never gave us the details about friday" nia groans, still waiting for me to tell her everything that happened at johnson's house friday night. i didn't even stay that long, only until about seven. my mom called and wanted me to come home. "nothing really happened you guys, we just played pool"

"i lost.every time."

"you guys are so lame you haven't even kissed yet?" chris groans. "no we haven't, we're just friends."

"besides we've only known each other for like four weeks" i add. "cindy, he flirts with you all the time." nia deadpans. "no he doesn't."

"sweetie. he lets you wear his letterman, he brings you food, he always finds ways to talk to you or walk you to class, he says things you do are cute and you guys are always together." chris laughs. "so. we're just friends." i shrug. "he even agreed at johnson's." i tell them. "and how did this conversation come up?" he asks quickly. "jack went to the bathroom, sammy asked if we were like hooking up or whatever and then i says we're just friends so then jack agreed." i explain. "oh my gosh cindy! you can't say you're just friends in front of him. what if he wants to be more then he heard you say that?huh? now he thinks you just want to be friends with him."

"he acted the same way he normally does around me after i said it though"

"this ones tough." nia sighs as she looks over at chris. i look past nia and my eyes land on jack. he was looking down at his phone and talking, it kind of looked like he was reading something off of it. the guys were quiet, well somewhat quiet. johnson seemed to be the only one listening while nate and sammy were in their own worlds.

"did you even hear me?" nia asks snapping in my face. i shake my head and furrow my eyebrows. "what?" i say, lost as to what they were even talking about. "i said maybe you should just make the first move. now that he thinks you just want to be friends you have to show him you want more in order to get past this."

"what? no." i answer quickly. "i cant just make the first move, i don't even know the first thing about making moves like that." i defend. "it doesn't even have to be big. maybe like hug him a little longer, sit closer to him, kiss his cheek, hold his hand... literally the list goes on. it doesn't have to be a kiss on the lips or telling him how you feel." she explains making it seem easier than i thought it would be. "i don't know you guys, when would i even do it?" i ask looking back over at him to see he was already looking at me. my face heats up as he sends a wink my way causing me to face nia again. "he just winked at me" i whisper quickly. nia lets out a small squeal and makes eye contact. "wink back of course!" she says like it was obvious. "no" i shake my head, if i even tried to wink i'd embarrass myself. i'd have to practice it in a mirror a couple times before so i don't embarrass myself.

"ugh, wimp" chris instigates, trying to get me to wink back. even if i was, it'd be too late for that. "aw" i fake whine.

jacks pov
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| 3:35 PM |

"hey i'll catch up with you guys in a minute" i say cutting off nate's words as i see cindy walking to her car. the guys look in the direction i was and they all laugh. "whipped" sammy shakes his head after making a whipping sound effect. "ah ha ha ha fuck you" i laugh as i pat his shoulder and start walking backwards towards her, waiting for his reply. "better be in that locker room by four. i'm not running because of your ass" sammy warns while pointing to the locker room across from the field . i ignore his warn and smile as i turn in cindy's direction and start jogging over to her.

"cindy" i say, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn to face me. "jack? don't you have practice?" she asks, confused as to why i was walking over to her. if she asks, i honestly don't even have an excuse. i just wanted to talk to her.

"yeah, but i don't have to be there until four." i tell her, getting a nod in response. "that blush was cute earlier at lunch" i laugh, trying to tease her about when i winked at her. she completely flipped out. her face was a bright red as she turned around and said something to nia and chris. it was funny, yet adorable if i'm being honest. she never knows how to react when i do stuff like that.

"oh..haha you saw that?" she asks with a nervous laugh as she starts to bite her lip. "yeah.but don't worry, i don't think anyone else did." i reassure her. "i really need to stop doing that" she says lowly before looking up at me. "it's fine, it's cute"

her face reddens again causing her to look down and hide her face with her hands. i laugh quietly to myself before reaching over and lifting her chin up with my hand. "hey, don't be embarrassed" i smile at her, making a short eye contact with her. her eyes looked pretty with the way the sunlight hit them. in the school building they're kind of a dark brown, i had no idea they'd get even prettier in the sunlight. now they're like a golden brown.

"but anyways, i just wanted to talk to you." i shrug, taking my hand out from under her chin as i lean against her car. "really? why?" she laughs like she didn't actually believe it. she opens up the car door and throws her back pack in there before shutting the door again. "i like to talk to you" i chuckle. "you should come over tomorrow after my practice" i suggest making her smile

it's my favorite

"okay" she answers quickly making me laugh. "nap?." i smile as i look down at her. "yess" she agrees. "okay, that sounds good. i need to get going though or sammy will kick my ass." i tell her as i turn around

"oh and jack" she speaks up causing me to turn around. her face was slightly pink, this time i can't tell if she's just cold or if she's blushing. she takes a step closer to me and stands on her tippy toes, making my heart beat slightly speed up. it looked as if she was going to kiss me.

i lean in, with out hesitating and meet her lips with mine. she pulls back quickly with her eyes widened causing me to furrow my eyebrows. "i was just trying to kiss your cheek" "i'm sorry" we both speak up at the same time. "it's fine" she laughs nervously, taking a step back. "i thought you were- never mind i need to get going" i nod, cutting myself off to keep me from embarrassing myself more than i already have.

"yeah, uh me too. have a good practice." she tells me as she jumps in her car quickly causing me to start jogging back to the locker rooms to get ready to practice for our last game this friday.

oop. they kissed.. kind of

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