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cindys pov
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| thursday january 20 10:53 AM |

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| thursday january 20 10:53 AM |

"give me one reason why i should." jack laughs, at attempt to hold back the cringe in his voice after i jokingly dared him to drink the paint water. i look down at the bright blue colored water and shake my head. "because it'd be funny" i say in a duh tone. he shrugs as he looks down at it. he looked as if he was actually contemplating on drinking it. "i mean, if it will make you laugh." he tells me, sounding like he had agreed on taking the dare. he pulls the cup up towards his lips making my eyes widen and involuntarily reach out to stop him.

"jack no, i was just joking!" i gasp when i have the cup in my hand. "you make me feel like i'm ten" he tells me. i set the cup
down on my side, trying my best to distance him from it. i know that if i don't hed actually end up doing it just for the laugh. "because you act like your ten" i retort. he crosses his arms over his chest like he was about to try and come up with an excuse as to how he doesn't but refrains himself from doing it when he sees my expression. he knows he acts like a kid, it's just part of his personality. i'm not complaining though, it suits him and i find his childish humor cute.

"okay fine. i act like a kid, so what?" he brags making me laugh. i lean over and plant a kiss on his cheek earning a wide smile from him. "it's cute" i smile at him, attempting to flirt. i've never been the best. i don't have the experience but i'm just going to go
off of what he does and try my best to do so. "hey, i have a question for you"

i raise my eyebrows, indicating that i'm listening and ready for him to ask. it made me nervous to hear what he was about to ask me when i see the look on his face. it was full of unsureness and hesitation. he somehow looked at everything but me which made me even more nervous. "i know it's not the best timing but.." he starts making my face drop. what if he's asking something personal that i have no idea about. what if it's a total mood killer, just the thought of that one alone makes my face fall even more.

"i was thinking maybe we could make us official and have you be my girlfriend?" he laughs nervously, finally looking at me. he locked eyes with me and nothing but joy filled inside me. i've worked for this for what feels like so long, i couldn't be more happy to hear those words fall out of his mouth.
the widest smile i could have ever possibly smiled forms on my face. i couldn't even get the words out. i glance over at chris who's eyes were fixated on vince. they've been getting closer. hanging out every day, talking about each other non stop. i though we were all going to walk out of senior year happy with our relationships but i guess not, tre had to go and ruin it.

"you're being serious??" i ask quickly making him laugh as he nods his head at me. he started to look more and more nervous as the silence between us kept growing. i was too excited that he was being serious to even speak. i've waited since freshman year to hear him say that. this means so much to me.

finally i nod. "i promise i was just too excited to talk, but of course. let's make it official." i exclaim making huge smiles form on our faces. "this is perfect." he groans, you could hear the excitement in his voice. "i was actually scared you were going to say no for a second." he laughs as he brings his hand up to run it through his hair. "i'm sorry it wasn't like the perfect way to ask but i couldn't come up with any ideas, i've been thinking about it for a while." he smiles at me. "you shouldn't have been nervous jack, everyone knows i would have said yes." i laugh at how nervous he still looked as he held a cute grin.  "you have no idea how relieved i was to hear you say yes" he admits like he was out of breath.

"we don't have a picture together" he adds in all seriousness like he had been thinking about it for a minute. i stay quiet and start to think about all of the many times we've hung out and not once did we ever take a picture. "we don't do we?" i agree, still trying to think about the times to see if maybe there was one time that may have slipped our minds. "chris!" i whisper yell making him turn around quickly. he seemed to be interested in what i was about to say. "will you take our picture?" i ask as jack pulls his phone out. he smiles widely as he gets out of his seat to grab the phone from jacks hands. jack had it open on the camera already so chris decided to go and find the right angle for us. he's always been the best person you could find to take A1 quality pictures. jack puts his lips on my cheek making me smile excitedly as chris snaps the pictures. we take another one where we were both smiling as he had his arm over my shoulders and my head rested on his shoulder.

chris smiles at us as he hands the phone back to jack. "thank youuu" i thank chris. he gives us a "you're welcome" before taking a seat and continuing his on going conversation with vince. jack swipes through the pics he took, looking down at them as if they were perfect. "can i post them?" he asks me making me smile. he wants to post me? on his social media. "yes and can you send them to me?." i ask curiously as i watch him open up instagram.

he posts both of the pics, him kissing my cheek as the first slide and the one of us both smiling as the second. he stops to think of a caption and shrugs when he finally thinks of one before typing away on his phone.

i stay winning❤️

i never really thought of jack as the type of guy to post pictures with his girlfriend, at least from the times he's had them he's never posted a single picture with them. it makes me feel special that he's doing it for me. it makes it feel more real than it is.

i open up instagram and study the pics he posted after liking them. "jack i look so gross" i groan as i continue to look closer at the picture. "you look perfect." he says, sounding as if he meant it. i still didn't believe it. i've always hated the way i looked, i have never really been one to be comfortable with my body...no matter how many times someone tells me what jack had just said.

i sigh and since down at the picture. i don't want him to take it down, it's our first picture together and his very first post of us. i'd feel so bad if i asked so i just stay silent and go to comment a smiple 'awe <3' under his post and go to our messages to save the pictures of us that he sent me.

"i'm making this one my lock screen" i tell him as i show him the one of us both smiling. it was cute, i looked less gross in that one anyway. "we make a bad ass couple, yeah?" he nods making me smile.

"yes, yes we do."

he finally asked!

hope u guys enjoyed the chapter!

keep up with the votes and comments! i love reading them!


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