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jacks pov
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| sunday january 23 3:32 PM |

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| sunday january 23 3:32 PM |

"i've never seen anyone so excited over being at an aquarium" i laugh as i look down at cindy. she was beaming. it was probably the second biggest smile i've ever seen on her face, the first being when i asked her out of course. i look around the entry room we were in and see mainly younger kids all holding the same look as cindy but slightly less enthusiastic as hers. "look, you're more excited than the kids here. you're probably like at least ten years older than them." i add making her stop facing me and turn her head to look around at what i had pointed out. she laughs some but then shrugs. "they just don't know what they're in for yet." she tells me.

"you can't tell me you're not the slightest bit excited to be here though..." she winces, turning the attention on me. i can't lie, i'm happy were here. i haven't been here in forever. the last time i came here was when i was like maybe twelve with my sisters and parents. "hey, i never said i wasn't." i press making her laugh some before looking up at me. she makes a small eye contact and i was honestly hoping she'd lean in and kiss me but she breaks it quickly making me want to groan. maybe it's best that we don't, i mean there are tons of kids here.

"lets go over there" she smiles, pulling me excitedly towards the waterfall ahead of us. along the railing there was a small board that showed the animals that were in there with it. she reads it quickly and looks down. "so it says there's supposed to be a west Indian manatee in there...first one who spots it wins" she says quickly before looking down. i laugh lightly and just look over at her and watch as she frantically searches for it. she was so into it, it was one of the cutest things. her eyes light up and she points down quickly. "oh my gosh. there it is!" she exclaims causing me to take my eyes off of her and look down to were she was pointing in the large tank.

she grabs my hand and starts to walk quickly over to a sloped pathway that would take
us to the lower level so we could see inside the tank. she was walking quickly, you could tell she was beyond excited. she lets go of my hand when we reach and places her hands on the glass as she looks over at the swimming manatee. "look... it's bigger than i thought it'd be" she chuckles, still holding the gaze at it. "it's swimming over here" she says quickly. i laugh at her and shake my head. she was being adorable. who would have thought a seventeen year old would be this excited over a manatee. i love how she gets excited over the little things and she's not like every other girl i've dated. they were all shop and gossip rather than how cindy is. she's into travel, animals, she's sweet and compassionate, although she's a little awkward sometimes she can hold an enjoyable conversation and she's effortlessly beautiful. what's not to like.

she waves softly at it while holding a smile. "it's so chubby" she laughs again before looking over at me. "you're not even looking" she deadpans. "you're just being cute right now" i shrug making her cheeks redden. "so is the manatee" she reply's quickly, changing the subject as she reaches up to grab my face and turn it towards the manatee. "you're right, it is pretty chubby" i agree making her smile and nod once in satisfaction. she pulls the small map of the aquarium out and unfolds it so she can see everything around us.

"so it says if we walk this way then that area is themed as brazil. we have to go there" she begs looking up to me. "it's up to you. this is your day" i smile looking down at her. "you get to choose where we visit next" she comprises making me laugh some. "deal"


"my sister is the same way" i laugh. "i remember she always took forever to get ready... probably still does." i playfully roll my eyes. she was just telling me about how long she's always waiting on nia and chris to get ready when they have to go somewhere. "you don't really talk about your sisters a lot..." she points out curiously, trying to see if she was over stepping or if i'd tell her. i don't mind telling her at all, there's nothing wrong with her asking either. i've just never really brought them up when talking to her.

"well i have two... molly and laura. they're both older than me and they live like forever away" i tell her making her laugh some. "do they come down a lot?" she asks me. "no, not really. i mean like every once in a while they will but they're usually busy with they're little families." i explain. "families?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows. "laura has a daughter and then molly is married and is starting to talk about having kids. then work is on top of that plus the drive here so it's been a minute." i add onto my explanation from before, telling her more reasons why it's been a minute since i've seen them. "so you're an uncle?" she laughs, raising her eyebrows questionably. "i mean i don't know if abbey knows it, i've only seen her a few times but yeah" i tell her making her smile. "how old is she?"

"about three, she's so cute" i smile. "i remember when she was first born how nervous i was to hold her, but i love her to death even though i barely see her" she laughs at my words and takes a bite of the cheese cake we had both been craving. when she's finished she looks back up at me. "i never would have pegged you as the kid type"

"i love them, one day i hope i can have a few of my own." i say with out thinking too much about it. her face reddens some making me realize what i had said. "no not with you." i laugh shaking my head. my eyes widen and i shake my head once again. "wait let me rephrase that."

"i would like to have kids one day, if it's with you i wouldn't mind....but it's way too soon.. wayyyyyy too soon." i drag out, regretting i even brought that up so i wouldn't be in this situation i'm in right now. yeah it's too soon, but it did make me start to think about mine and cindys future. for example, how long we're going to be together, if we'll have a place of our own after graduation, if we'd get married one day and even have kids. i mean, ideally, cindy is the type of girl you'd want all of those things with...but it's too soon into the relationship to be thinking about long term. yes i want it to last, a very long time at that, but i want to live in the moment and enjoy my time with her instead of stressing over time.

"i agree, but since were on the topic...what's the perfect amount of kids to have?" she asks making sigh at the thought. i would never have thought about having this conversation with her this early. "ummm... two." i say making her smile. "i've had my baby names picked out ever since i was at least thirteen. me and nia would sit up in our rooms planning our whole life down to the tee." she laughs. "yeah, i don't think guys really do that. i mean at least me, nate, sammy and johnson haven't." i tell her. "not even once?" she asks me making me laugh. "not once. we just talk about guy stuff or whatever comes up." i shrug, i'm sure they'd bash on me for even bringing it up as a conversation... the same would most likely happen if one of them brought it up as well.

"so you've never even thought about what you'd want to name your future child?" she asks like she couldn't believe it. "the thought has come up a few times but usually what the mom says goes so i just don't even bother." i admit making her sigh. "besides i'm eighteen, i don't need to think about it for a few more years. or at least i hope.. anyways what were the names?" i add changing the subject off of me and back on to her. "well if it's a boy, it'd be john of course and then if it's a girl it'd be mila."'she explains making me smile at how she will name her son after her dad. "i like them" i nod making her smile. "now your turn and don't worry i won't tell the guys" she smiles with a wink.

how was the chapter?

i'll have another one up soon so don't
worry! maybe in at least an hour or two.

keep up the votes and comments. i
love all the feed back!


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