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THE FIVE FREAKS walked out of the bathroom when the coast was clear, to blend in with the crowd so the Russians couldn't spot them.

As they kept walking Dustin spoke up."I cant believe you told them my full name!"

"We were drugged!" Amelia said in her and Steve's defense. When silences them when she saw a Russian up ahead. He spotted them so they quickly turned to run and slid down the escalator.

They hid behind a counter or panda Express. Unfortunately the mall was closing now and everyone had left so the Russians had full access to the mall.

As they heard Russian footsteps grow closing, she turned to her brother and her boyfriend." Hey, whatever happens, I love you guys, Okay?" She whispered. They nodded. "We love you too lia."

She heard the footsteps grow closer as Steve gripped onto her hand, Dustin holding the other.

Suddenly they heard a noise and a car drop. Amelia reluctantly lifted her head above the counter to see what happened. The Russians were lying dead on the floor and the car on sale was tipped over.

She looked up to the top floor of the mall to see El, Max, Lucas, Mike, Will, Nancy and Jonathon. She smiled as they walked down the stairs.

"You threw that thing like a hot wheel!!"

"Jonathon!" Amelia said in relief running over to the boy and practically running into his embrace. They hugged eachother tightly and smiled. "Oh God I missed you," she said.

He chuckled slightly. "You have no idea."

After greeting everyone she turned around seeing Erica's confused face. "Lucas?!"

"Erica?! What are you doing here?!"

"Ask them, it's there fault." She pointed at Steve, Amelia and Robin.

"True, yeah, totally true, its absolutely our fault," Steve said in a monotone voice.

Robin looked confused. She glanced at the car. "I dont understand what happened that car?"

"El has super powers." Amelia said in a duh tone pointing at Eleven.."I'm sorry?" She asked again.

"Superpowers come on, catch up." Steve said to her.

"Who's el?" She asked, still not catching on.

Nancy spoke up. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Robin, I work with Steve."she smiled at her.

"She cracked the code." Dustin said." Yeah which is how we found out about the Russians in the first place." Amelia explained.

"Wait Russians? What Russians?" Jonathon asked them.

"The Russians!!"

"Those guys where russians?" Max asked them." Some of them," Erica said looking back at the dead bodies.

"What are you talking about?!" Lucas asked the question everyone wanted to know the answer to. "Didnt you get our code red?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah but I couldn't understand half of what you were saying." Mike said to him.

"God damn low battery!!"

"How many times do I have to tell you about the low battery!!" Steve scolded him. "Yeah, well everything worked out okay, didnt it Steve?"

"Worked out? We almost died!!" Amelia yelled at him. "Yeah well we didnt," Dustin said sassily. Amelia gave him a 'dont try me' look. Dustin looked over a Steve, who was rapidly shaking his head for Dustin to stop before Amelia tore his head off.

All of a sudden Eleven collapsed in pain. They all ran over to her. "El? El! What's wrong?" She tried to get the words out without screaming in pain. "M-my l-leg,"

Amelia pulled her Jean's up to reveal her leg bleeding and covered in puss. It was clearly swollen. Everyone groaned in disgust. Amelia got an idea. She ran over to panda Express and searched through the cupboards. She found gloves, a wooden spoon and a knife. She turned on the oven and heated the knife on the stove.

She ran back and applied the gloves. "Okay, I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna hurt like hell but your gonna be fine, okay?" She said to her. El reluctantly nodded. She gave her the wooden spoon. "Your gonna wanna bite down on this okay?"

Amelia pulled herself together and cut Elevens leg open. Blood and puss started coming out as people gagged all around them. She cut in deeper as elevens screams got louder. When the hole was big enough, she dropped the knife and dug her hand inside the girls leg.

El screamed in pain begging her to stop she did as she was told and took of her gloves and gave the girl an apologetic look. El looked at her and nodded. "I can do it."

El sat up and started to use her powers to find the infection. She screamed in pain as she got deeper into the wound, eventually she pulled it out.

A small maggot like creature came out and el threw it across the mall with her powers. They all drew sighs of relieve. The heard a loud footstep as someone stepped on the maggot like creature.

They all stood in shock at the person at the door.


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