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IT WASN'T UNTIL THE NEXT MORNING when the group set out in Nancy's car once more with Amelia practically leaning on Dustin as she let out a yawn. The boy turned to her, a look of worry covering his face as he glanced over to Steve who sat opposite them.

While the rest had gotten changed and a decent amount of sleep Amelia had only done the former, her anxiety and insomnia from the nicotine withdrawal keeping her up — which was evident. "Did you sleep at all?" The boy questioned her, gaining the attention from the rest of them who were talking about Eddie.

Amelia shrugged, sitting up slightly as Max turned to look back at her. "Lia..." Dustin warned, causing her to sigh.

"No... okay?"

As Dustin went on a slight tangent about the importance of a good nights sleep to her, Steve's nervous stare never left the girl. As time went on, Amelia was getting worse and he was terrified.

Steve hesitated slightly, before reaching over to grab her hand in his. "Maybe you should sleep now," Steve suggested. "We can go meet Eddie and you could try sleeping here?"

Amelia shook her head, putting an unconvincing smile on her face. "It's fine... I'll live," she reassured, though he seen right through her, because he always did.

Or at least, he thought he always did before...

Lucas' mouth downturned when he seen Amelia's pale-ish face. "Have... have you eaten, Lia?"

Amelia then glanced up, only noticing everyone's eyes on her awaiting her answer. She suddenly grew slightly nervous as Dustin and Steve both offered her chips they bought for Eddie that were half eaten.

"Guys, it's not a big deal—"

"Eat!" Half of them yelled out while the other half just looked at her in slight disbelief. They had all noticed the change in Amelia's attitude since the discovery of Vecna.

Lucas, Dustin and Steve had seen the worst of it that day at the graveyard and couldn't get the image of Amelia screaming for Max out of their heads. Max didn't know much because according to Lucas it was 'hard to explain' but she knew by the tight grip the girl had on her when she escaped that it wasn't pretty.

Nancy felt guilty. She felt as though she was ignoring the signs Amelia had been leaving, and now she couldn't even tell the rest of them about Amelia's nicotine withdrawal that only her and Steve knew about. Robin? She was confused; She didn't know what was wrong with her friend and was probably in the dark the most which bugged her.

Amelia held her hands up in defence before grabbing the bag of chips off of Dustin and indulging in them. Robin leaned over to see Steve looking at Amelia in what she thought looked like... guilt?

However, her thoughts were cut off as Nancy's car slowed down. "Oh, shit."

They all turned to the front and spotted what looked to be like more reporters and police cars surrounding Lover's Lake — AKA where they were supposed to be meeting Eddie. Amelia sat up and glanced around, her facing contorting in confusion.

"Do you think it's Eddie?" Amelia asked no one in particular as Nancy's car pulled into a stop.

Dustin just shrugged, looking out the window. "I hope not."

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