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AMELIA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Here she was, driving her brother and his friend home and a girl in the back of her car with no home to go to. Should she take her back to Mike's? No, too risky. Leave her out to be kidnapped as well? Definitely not. So, the only thing Amelia could think of was taking her home to her own room.

Her and Dustin hatched a plan in order to get the girl in the house without raising suspicion from their mother. Dustin would go into the living room and distract her and Amelia and Eleven would run upstairs to the room.

Amelia stood in the doorway with the small girl and waited for Dustin's signal. When she heard a "I can't believe this," from her brother, the two girls slowly crept up the stairs and into her room.

Eleven glanced around Amelia's room taking note of all the posters and photos stuck on the wall. She the noticed the cassette player near Amelia's messy wardrobe and examined it. She pressed a few buttons, which caused Amelia's Fleetwood Mac tape to play Dreams.

Amelia jumped at the sudden noise and then sighed. She then walked over to the player and paused it, giving the small girl a smile before shaking her head. "It's a bit late for that."

She then guided Eleven over to the now tidy bed and gestured for her to sit down. Instead, Eleven reached Amelia's vanity packed with makeup and perfume and began examining the smells. She picked up the most used perfume and smelt it curiously before smiling at the nice scent.

"Smells like you."

Amelia smiled at her before nodding her head. "Yeah, it is my perfume."

The Henderson girl then began searching for some form of clothing to give the girl, finding an old t-shirt from a few years ago and handing it to her. "Here's some fresh clothes for you, I'll be right outside."

Eleven nodded and watched as Amelia left the room. Amelia turned the corridor and knocked lightly on Dustin's door. "Hey kid, can I come in?"

She heard shuffling before a muffled yes and opened the door to see Dustin playing around with his walkie-talkie and frowned. "El's getting changed," she informed him, not knowing what to say to him.

Dustin nodded, his eyes never leaving the gadget causing the girl to sigh and sit beside him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked nonchalantly.

"For forgetting to meet you guys," she reminded him, fiddling with her fingers in guilt. "It's just that... you remember Barb? We think she's missing."

"Shit," Dustin said, turning to look at his sister with worried eyes. "Are you okay?"

"This isn't about me," she said, ignoring his question and shaking her head. She then put a comforting hand on her brother's shoulder. "I'm here if you need to talk."

"Can we talk tomorrow? It's just that I'm really tired," Dustin said, and Amelia nodded immediately, pulling the boy into a side hug before bidding him goodnight and leaving back to her room.

She gave her door a light knock. "El? You done?"


Amelia entered her room again to see Eleven had now changed into the the clean clothes and held her now dirty top on her hands awkwardly. Amelia took the dirty shirt and shoved it in her laundry basket before turning on the lamp on her bedside locker.

Eleven closely inspected Amelia's bedside table and picked up the picture frame of Amelia and a boy around her age. They both had an arm wrapped around each other, the taller boy's arm around Amelia's shoulders and hers around his waist, as he smiled down at the girl. Amelia's face was euphoric as her and the boy squinted slightly at the brightness of the Polaroid.

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