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STEVE HARRINGTON LOVED AMELIA HENDERSON. He was truly, deeply in love with her and no one else compared. To him, she placed the stars in the sky and he never wanted to see the sky without those stars. Steve couldn't wait until Amelia had graduated so they could finally leave Hawkins together, like they promised.

And Amelia felt as though Steve Harrington was the only guy for her. She loved his stupid hair, his stupid grin and his stupid smile that still gave her butterflies. Though the two had been dating for over a year, she understood what the band Tears for Fears were singing about in the song Head Over Heels.

They loved each other, so much in fact that whenever Steve slept over it was guaranteed that they would be so comfortable in each others presence that they would sleep in through their alarm.

Amelia sat up, still half asleep as she heard a loud banging on the door. "Amelia and Steve, stop having sex and get ready! You're gonna be late!"

Of course, Dustin's first thought when they were late was having sex. Amelia just thought it was 'virgin-talk', but then again she couldn't brag as Steve was the only boy she'd been with.

Steve then sat up from beside her and watched as Amelia slowly began to come to her senses before she quickly got out of bed in nothing but his shirt. He then rubbed his eyes before tilting his head to the side and watching his girlfriend frantically run around for her underwear, smirking slightly.

Amelia quickly found a pair before forcing them on and walking back over to the bed to drag Steve out. He groaned as she grabbed his hand and as she went to pull him out, he pulled her right back into his warm embrace.

"Steve, we're going to be late!" She complained as he wrapped an arm securely around her waist.

"Who cares?"

She scoffed slightly, using his chest to balance herself over him. "Well, the pep rally is starting in half an hour and I am meant to be there in fifteen minutes so therefore my cheerleading team cares. Oh! And Robin needs a ride, she cares. And you have work so therefore your boss cares—"

"Okay! I get it, people care," he stopped her, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her down to him in a kiss. Before Amelia could pull away, Steve deepened it with a smile. Amelia gave in, kissing him back longingly before pulling away.

"C'mon Romeo, we're always late."


After the couple were decently dressed, Amelia in her cheerleading outfit and Steve in his casual attire, they rushed downstairs to see a disappointed Dustin Henderson at the bottom. "Are you guys serious?"

"What? We're ready," Amelia defended, reaching over and downing her cup of coffee her mother made for her.

"Oh Lia, don't you look pretty," Claudia Henderson complimented as she looked at her daughter in adoration. Amelia smiled at her as she grabbed Steve's car keys and threw them at him.

At the start of the school year, Amelia had accidentally befriended Chrissy Cunningham. Chrissy dropped her books all over the hallway floor and Amelia, who happened to be walking by and who apparently now had a saviours complex, decided to help the girl out and pick them up for her.

This lead the ever so nice cheerleading captain to offer Amelia a flyer to try out for cheerleading. At first, the girl scoffed the minute the Cunningham girl's back was turned, but then she considered her options. She wanted to get into college somewhere and she needed an extra-curricular activity to do so. And the only clubs left where cheerleading or chess.

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