Time Skipped

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"Happy Birthday Mom." I felt a slight pressure on my side as Jake jumped on my bed making me groan.

"Ugh, what time is it?" Glancing at the clock it read five in the morning. "Jake it is too early for this. Go back to bed."

"Get up. I made you breakfast." Pulling me up, Jake placed a tray of my usual breakfast food on my end stand.

"Why so early?"

"Because I have school and I won't be able to make your breakfast."

"You could have made me dinner instead." I yawned.

Having his breakfast, Jake began to sulk. "What's the matter?"

"Can I stay home today?"

"Jake no."

"But my birthday is also tomorrow." Jake and I have back to back birthday. The doctors thought we would have the same birthday thankful he was born right after.

"Jake no."  I repeated. 

"Fine." Getting out a box he handed it to me. "Open it."

Smiling I pulled on the bow and the box had opened. "Jake its pretty." It was a bracelet that read best mom.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course I do honey. I love anything you give." After breakfast since I was already up, I had washed up and got dress.

"Are we going to dinner with the aunties tonight?"

"No, it would just be me and you bud." Usually we would go out during any time of our birthday. Unfortunately Emily and Chris are on a honeymoon trying to repair their marriage which I'm happy for them. Their kids are well taken care of by Chris's brother. As for Tina and Edward, they are both sick along with their daughter Mia.

"It's okay. We can order pizza and have a movie night." Jake is always a happy boy. Even when he was young. Always seen the brighter picture.

"What about you Jake? What do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Not go to school."

I thought about it. I guess it won't be so bad to play hookie for one day. "Very well. We can make it a mommy and you day. But right now you have to go to school."

Throughout the day I had nothing to do except read the text messages my sister and her family sent me wishing me a Happy Birthday. Being thirty one means I'm old. Old and having a baby.

Ever since the holidays none of Jake's friend has came over. I'm actually glad about that because the food bill was starting to get expensive. But Jake hasn't told me any thing about his friends anymore. In fact he seems to be happy maybe too happy.

He may not have said it but I could tell something was bothering him. I hope he isn't being bullied again.

And the fact that he wants nothing to do with Leo doesn't sit right with me. I could tell he admired Leo. Well, whatever happened I'm sure Jake would tell me eventually. Leo didn't even call nor text not once and I could only guess what he was thinking. What he had decide. And I am actually okay with it. As Jake said we don't want to ruin his future. He is nineteen and is suppose to be focusing on college and girls and stuff. Not focusing on a baby that could ultimately ruin his life.

It's hard to think though that Jake doesn't want Leo to know about the baby and I'm not one to force him. After all Jake is my main priority. His happiness comes first. And if he didn't want me hanging around a certain someone than I don't.

Aside from Jake not wanting Leo in our lives, I felt the same. I supposed. I could tell for a fact something happened and it is causing Jake this fake smile on his face.

But he seemed happy around me. And that's all that matters. He even forbade me to come to his school unannounced so I do not. Now I am bored as hell.

The following day, Jake did call in a sick day and we had taken the bus to the other side of the island. Oahu is a small island with lots to see. We ended up in Hanauma Bay. Since it was a school day it wasn't that crowded.

"Mom are you going to swim?"

"No, I'm just going to catch some sun."  I could have worn a bikini but I frown upon pregnant woman showing their belly's not that there is anything wrong with that, I'm more comfortable in just a shirt right now.

"Awe come on mom."

"Fine." Dipping my feet in, I shivered, "Shit the water is cold."

It has been a long day and the sun was already setting as we rode the bus back home. It beats driving so I could just sit back and relax.


"Hurry up mom." Jake pulled me along as we both entered the OBGYN clinic. Today was the day where I get to see the sex of my child. To think I was the happy one. Nope. Jake was more excited than me.

He wanted to be there when he sees his sibling. He was the only one with me. My sister Tina doesn't know I am pregnant.  What was I to say. Hi Tina, how are you oh by the way I'm pregnant with a guy who dump me for some younger girl without even us being a thing yet only for her to say I told you so. I don't think I'll be able to handle her attitude. And as for Emily she was hyped up when I had found someone and now I couldn't even keep him.

So wearing baggy shirts is what help me hide the fact I was pregnant especially around nosy neighbors.  Besides Emily didn't need to be bothered.  After all, they have their own problems and I didn't need for Tina to feel pity for me.

"Good evening Ms. Davis and..."

"Jake her son."

The doctor smiled, "Are you ready to see the sex of the baby."

"Yep." Lifting up my shirt the doctor spread some jelly on my belly and began to probe around.


"What is it doctor? Is something wrong with the baby?" Every time a doctor goes hmm or oh it makes you wonder if something is wrong.

"No the baby is fine its just, it is facing the other way. I'm going to try moving it around a bit so we could see."

After a few minutes the doctor smiled, "What do you see?"

"I don't know doctor." Jake squinted his eyes, "I see nothing."

"Because it is a girl." I know Jake wanted a brother but he was just as happy.

"I'm having a sister. Mom do you hear that?"


"Well Ms. Davis, heart beat is normal in fact everything seems to be normal considering your first trimester is over." Finally. After months of Jake being overly protective I am now in my second trimester. I'm due sometime in August. "Wait here. I'll print you a copy."

"I want one too." Jake asked.

Arriving home, he had put his picture in his wallet next to my picture. "I can't await till little Nessa is born."


"Yup her name."

"Jake honey?"

"Yea mom?" I know I have been refraining from asking but I just had to.

"Is everything okay in school?"

"Of course mom, why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know. You and your friends, they don't come here. You do have friends right. Who the hell do I have to beat?" I joked.

"Mom, don't worry about that. Just worry about Nessa here."

Something in me, something in my heart is telling me something else. But whatever it is I'm sure Jake could handle it. I after all am his mother and I had taught him as much as there is to know.

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