After Party

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"Oh my god.  That was the best game.  You did good honey."  I leaned against the counter watching Sasha and her friends drink. 

Tonight was fun and tiring at the same time none the less we had played a good game.

Now the music here was blasting while some where either dancing, drinking or making out in some corner.

"Sasha, thanks."  It was no doubt we would win.  Not that I'm bragging but we are that damn good.  And during practice Jake was good as well.  It's just he needs a little push at times.

"Come on girls."  Sasha beckoned towards the cheer leading squad, "Let's go out on the dance floor."  She raised her cup at me taking another sip of beer.  I could tell she was already getting drunk as I was too.   We were already at our maximum.

"Where is Jake?"  Looking around I notice he was not here.  In all the excitement I forgot to give him a ride and I forgot about Amelia when Sasha in her excited state congratulated me.  In the end Sasha and I came together.  "Ash you didn't give him a ride?"

He shook his head no.  Maybe Amelia banned him from coming to this party.  But as I recall he said he would be here.  He should be here, after all he won the game.  It was my intention for him to win the game, to score the winning goal.  He needed confidence in which he lacks so I thought if the team helped him out we could build that up.  After all he was good at soccer he just doesn't know it.

Picking up my cell phone I instantly dialed his number only to be forward to a voice mail.

I can't believe I fucking forgot about him.  I cursed inwardly.  It was Sasha's fault that I had in the first place.  If she didn't distracted me then Jake and I could have come here together.  My knuckles turned white it sheer frustration.

"Leo, have you seen Jake?"  Nora came bouncing in.  She was a sweet girl until you get to know her then she can become overly possessive and clingy.  And for someone who is two years older than Jake, I don't even know why she would stick to him.  Not that Jake is a good guy and all, he is just too innocent even for Nora.  Shaking my head no, she slump back before walking away into the crowd.

"Dude, what the hell crawled up your pants.  We just won tonight."  John patted my back.

"He's just pissed because he needs to get laid."  Jordan gave me another beer to which I drank it greedily.

"Woah slow down Leo, you don't want to get trash tonight."  Ash teased.

"Shut up."  I retorted grabbing another beer. Maybe I needed it.

Suddenly Sasha entered my line of vision, her arms on my chest, my hands on her hips.  We were here hours just talking and some of the boys were off drunk their asses while I felt my body warmed.

"Sasha."  I slurred.  Yup, I was definitely drunk.

"Baby, your drunk."  She giggled as I shook my head.

"No I'm not."  I convince myself I'm anything but.  My eyes once again were roaming around trying to find Jake.  It was almost eleven and he still didn't show.  He didn't even answer my calls.

Sasha passed me another beer, "Drink up."

"Are you trying to get me that drunk?"  I knew what she was doing.  In my drunken state I wouldn't be able to control any of my actions and as for Sasha and I, the last time I had touch her is when Amelia had caught us.  After that day, I refrained from touching Sasha because her face, the look on her face remained etch in my mind.

"I don't know."  She cooed almost sounding sexy to my ears.

Taking the beer I chugged it down, "I'll let you know when I had enough."  The boys were already gone from my sight.

"Come dance with me."  Pulling my hand, Sasha led me to the dance floor where her body began to grind against mine.  Now I was never a good dancer but I will slow dance. Her lips had found my collar bone.

"What are you doing?"  My breathing hitched.

"What does it look like Leo? It's been a while since we, you know."  I felt her hand on my groin.  Just the slightest touch it was already at its peak.  To be honest I am sexually frustrated right now and lately haven't been in a sex frenzy mood with anyone all because of her.  She wouldn't just leave my mind.

"Sasha."  Lifting my head I turned to one of the girls on the cheerleading squad calling for her.

"Don't go anywhere."  Sasha whispered as she left only for another girl to be in her place.

"I thought she'd never leave."

"Megan."  I blinked my eyes at Sasha's friend.  She had always had a thing for me but I never acted on it especially when she flirts with me.  But being in my drunken state, she looked very sexy.

Pulling my hand she yanked me towards the stairs away from all the noises.  And like a person starved for some sexual interaction, I followed.

Finding an empty room, Megan slammed the door behind us while I watch her fumble with my belt before dropping to her knees.

A part of me should stop this.  Pull her up and shove her away.  And I was about to do just that when I felt her tonuge down on me.

"Does Sasha do this to you?"  I watch my dick disappeaer into her mouth hitting the back of her throat. 

"No."  I choked out that word.  Sasha was good in bed but she never wanted to give me a blow job which I didn't mind.

"Well Leo, I always wanted to do this to you."  I gulped.  I knew when I kept drinking all those drinks I would be in trouble.  Never in my sober state I would take anyone to bed unless I was heavily intoxicated which I am now.

My mind was like frozen and couldn't think.

Before I knew it my hand grabbed her hair in a pony tail, removing all hair from her face only for me to get a good look on her.

I pushed foward watching and listening to her gag.  Suddenly my phone had began to ring as I took it out of my pants pocket to watch the id caller flash Sasha's name.  Then a text came through when I didn't answer.  'Where the hell did you go?'  She typed.

"Megan, Sasha is your friend..." my voice had betrayed me.  Though it was asking for her to stop I didn't. 

"So, I always wanted to do this." Rising to her feet she was inches away from me.  "Leo."  Her lips parted, "Take me."  Dropping her dress towards the floor, I closed the distant between us.

My hands on her hips, my lips now crashing unto hers.  It was like the fire that drove us.  She was enticing and just as pretty as Sasha but no where near as good as her.

"MM..." Megan moaned at my touch.  Her hands clawing at me as I took her with my lips hard pushing her back on the bed.

Opening her legs, I watch her pussy drip as I roughly took her in my mouth.  "Oh yes...oh fuck yes."  She screamed and I'm sure if the music wasn't loud down stairs everyone would have heard her.

Her butt had moved along with me.  "Stick your finger up my ass."  She smiled as I did at what I was told while I continue to eat at her.

Parting her clit I shoved my tongue down on her until a small gasp was heard in the door way.

I paused and so did Megan only for me to look in shock.  Sweat had pooled already as the look in her eyes were basically surprise while Megan sat up gawking at our intruder before us.

She didn't say anything, she didn't have to.  The slam in the room said it all.

"Wait..." I was now fumbling with my pants.

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