Santi or Davis

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"Where have you been?"  Upon entering our home, Daniel looked upset as well as Leo.

"Why the hell are you shirtless in my home?"  Leo didn't like the fact that Daniel was now just in his boxers making himself too comfortable.

Coming in with Nessa, Jake eyed the entire room as well as we all did.  "Get off my game."  Handing me Nessa, Jake had ripped the remote control away from Ray.

"Jake."  I scolded.

"Mom, he is playing my games and he didn't even ask."  I was tired at this point.  I have to deal with an angry adolescence, a boy who looks afraid of his own shadow, an ex-husband who is just not only testing my limits but Leo's as well and Leo who wanted at this point to kill him.  Especially because when we left this morning this house was clean but now, where the hell is the floor.

"Couldn't you at least put away the futon and do the damn dishes."  Leo bursts out yelling.  Now I for one am thankful I didn't get back together with him because he was a slob.  And having your ex-mother in law living with you was no picnic either.  The woman hated my guts.  She would always tell me how I should cater to him when he got home from work of which he was now unemployed and for how many years.  You would think serving in the military would get him somewhere but it didn't.

"I didn't think you would be home today."  Daniel went to fix his mess.  I'm glad he didn't argue because if he did it would be one argument that would end up both men in jail.  And I couldn't have that.

"This house better be clean because I have colleagues coming over.  And you, help your dad."  He scolded Ray who immediately stood up from his seat to clean up all the mess.

Thirty minutes later and I could see the floor.  Leo had ordered pizza, Jake was doing his work, and I was feeding Nessa upstairs but now I'm down stairs when there was a knock on the door.

Jake went ahead to open the door, "You."  He looked shocked at our visitors.

"You live here?"  I dreaded to hear that voice.  A voice that I thought I would never hear again, Sasha.

And she was not alone.  Coming in was four other people.  Three boys and one girl.

"Sasha, what the hell are you doing here?"  Leo looked displeased once he saw her as he cradled Nessa in his arms handing her to me.

"Are we having a party?"  A boy looked at the room.  It must look weird because we have two extra mouths to feed.

"No, they are family."  Jake cut in.

"Hello, I'm Tim, this is Carlos, that is Zack and this here is Brenda and from the looks of it you already know Sasha."

"Tim, why the hell is Sasha here?"

"Dude not my fault.  Blame Carlos here."

"She jumped in my car before I can say no."

"Leo."  Sasha blinked latching herself onto him as he gently shoves her away.  "Why is Jake over here?"  She glared at him before glaring at me.  "And why the hell is she over here too?"

"Hello, I'm Daniel."  Oh great, the man decides to speak up.

"Hello Sir."  At least Sasha remember her manners.

"I'm the husband of Amelia."  To say I was shock was an understatement.  I was livid.  How dare he say that.  Looking towards Leo, I could see his hands already forming a fist and his teeth clenching.  And yet he didn't say anything.  What do I expect when Sasha is here.

Introducing ourselves Jake too wanted to yell.  This was just too much people for one day and it was scaring Nessa.

"This your baby."  Brenda cooed.

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