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Boys will be boys and they'd always be chasing skirts.  So imagine my surprise when Leo had turned down to be with his next skirt.  I hope I wasn't the cause of them.  But still how can these girls think about sex.

Not that I couldn't say the same about myself when I was sixteen and pregnant.  So believe me, I did them a favor.  Course I love Jake and honestly I wouldn't give him up for anything.

Then there is Leo.  The way he was taking care of Jake warmed my heart.  He had turned down to be with another for the night.

"Thank you Leo for um...taking care of Jake." 

"It is no problem.  Jake is like family to me."  He smiled not once taking his eyes wavering in the process, "I mean the team is..um.." he stuttered.

"I get it."

"Okay, what is going on here?"  Jake threw the ice in the sink.  His lip now swollen.

"No..." just as I was about to answer a young girl caught my eye, "Liz?"  I mumbled.

"Liz?"  Leo repeated looking behind him.  My eyes not taking off of a young girl with a much older boy drinking.  Oh my god. "Elizabeth?"

Once Jake had heard that name he turned in the direction I was looking only for him to gasps in shock.

"What's everyone looking at?"  Ash turned his head while I began stomping towards her.

Pulling her away, she was in tears.  Her eyes blotchy from crying as the boy she was conversing with could care any less.  "What the hell did you do to her?"  I pulled her into my shoulders.

Elizabeth was sobbing into me.  "This bitch has the nerve to tell lies."

"Lies, you fucking bastard."  Elizabeth rose from my shoulder to glare at the said boy.  Jake had pulled to my side.


Looking up Elizabeth threw her arms around him, "Jake."

I was drawing attention and it was time to leave.  "Come on Liz."


We were now at MC Donalds.  And when I say we, it was of course my son Jake, Liz and three boys who decided to stow away in my truck Leo, Ash and Noel.

"Why the hell did you come with us?"

"As you can see we are drunk and in no way to drive home."  Noel gave a sad fake look.

"Don't you guys have a designated driver?"

"Nope."  Leo replied seeming to find this amusing.  In fact all the boys where.

Turning back towards Liz, "Liz honey, what where you doing there?" 

"Auntie..."  The boys gasps in shock.

"Yes she's my cousin."  Jake responded.

"Mom and dad are going to be mad at me."  She cried wiping her nose on my shirt.

"Oh honey your mom and dad loves you and wont be mad at you."

Shaking her head, "They will, I did something bad, no terrible."

Wiping her face with a napkin, "Liz I think whatever it is you should go home and talk to them."

Again she shook her head, "I can't.  Auntie.." She looked at me before looking at the boys, "I'm pregnant please don't tell mom." 

It was like she knocked all the wind out of my lungs, "Pregnant!"  I yelled.  "But you're only fourteen same age as Jake."

"Please don't tell mom."

"Don't tell your mom.  Why the hell did you tell me?"  Oh my god.  "She is my sister.  If she knows I know she'd kill me."

"Mom, I don't think Auntie Emily will kill you."

"Jake you don't know my sister.  Liz go home and tell your parents."  She had to because with this kind of secret I don't think I can keep it.  Not something this big.

"Please Auntie..."  I watch my innocent niece begging.  I remember when I used to babysit her.  Now she is fourteen and pregnant.  Holy hell she is just a child.

"Liz I may not be your mom but I will scold you.  What were you thinking? How could you do this?"  I fumed causing Elizabeth to shake in fright.

"Ms. Davis."  Leo rubbed his thumb on my hands trying to calm me down and it work.

"Look Liz honey, why would you do this and that boy earlier is he the father?"

She nodded her head, "He told me he loved me."

"Love? You're fourteen.  Hell I'm thirty and I still don't know what love is."  I paused looking at all the eyes staring at me before calming myself down, "How old is he?"


"I will sue him for statutory rape."  I blurted.

"Auntie you can't do that please mom and dad will know."

"Liz look I won't say anything for now.  I'll let you tell them and if you don't, I will.  You can't keep something like this a secret."

"What will happened to Rick?"  The name of that boy.

"He will probably be tried as an adult..."

"No you can't auntie.  I love him."  She confessed making Noel chuckled.

"Noel shut up."  I told him.  "Liz there are plenty boys out there, one who isn't a douche bag, one who is your age and you are still young.  Don't rush things."

Elizabeth took to what I said before turning towards Ash and smiling.  "Oh no honey, not Ash."

Then she turned towards Leo, and Noel, "Elizabeth Hurt I just told you not to rush it and find someone your age."

"But auntie they are cute."  She whispered to me.  "Jake your friends are hot."  Before whispering to Jake.

"There are out of your age range cousin."  Jake rolled his eyes as Ash smirked at her.  "Ash my cousin is not on the market."  He crossed his arms.

"I'm only looking."

"Dude she's fourteen."  Leo told him making Ash pull back.

"I forgot."  He slump back in his chair.

"Are you guys done with your fries?"  Throwing their rubbish away, "Liz let me drive you home."

"No.  I don't want to go home."

"Why not."

"Mom and dad are fighting and....can I stay with you please."

"Liz I don't think...."

"Please auntie."  She begged puckering her lips.

"But your mom...."

"Just for a few days then I'll go home and tell mom and dad."

Curse my heart.  I always had a soft spot for both of my neices.  And how the hell am I suppose to not tell Emily.  She'd have me buried six feet under if her husband wouldn't bury me first.

"You do know your dad will not only have my head but he'd probably burn my home down."

"Ms. Davis, I'll make sure no one touches your head."  Leo spoke.

"Thanks Leo but you don't know my brother in law."

"Auntie is right.  My dad is very temperamental and angry and aggressive.  He probably won't care you are mom's sister."

"Are you trying to make me feel worse or better because I can't tell."  I shook in my seat.

"Mom, if uncle knows that you know, he would shoot both of us dead."

"Jake, as I said earlier know one will come and hurt you and your mom."  Leo reassured.  And I almost felt a peace knowing he would be protecting us from Chris's fury.

Just as I was about to contemplate my cell phone rang, "It's Emily, your mom."

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