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Drinking alone in the bar is lonely. Sure you have tons of other sweaty bodies here who would love to dance but I was in no mood. I just wanted to be by myself.

Jake was sleeping over at Tina's home while I needed time to think and relax.

Having four empty bottles in front of me and maybe more has me slightly buzzed but not enough to get me drunk yet.

"Is this seat taken?" I eyed the gentleman to my right as I slowly nodded my head. Going back to my thoughts when I was once again rudely interrupted, "What brings you here?"

I must have a feel pity sign in the back of my back because this man here thinks he can just pry into my life. "Right now, this drink but keep talking to me and I may just have to find another drink in another place."

"Ouch." Raising his hand, he ordered a drink for himself before leaning his bottle towards mine for a toast. Oh what the hell. Clinking our bottles we both drank in silence minus the loud music in the background. "I'm Frank, and you are?"

"Don't care, don't know you, don't want to."

"Well, okay. You don't have to tell me your name but how bout a dance?" God, I just want to be left alone.

"Can you not talk to me."

I swirled my chair away from him only for him to swirl me back, "You know that's being rude. And here I am being polite to you."

"I didn't ask for you to be polite, all I want is to be left alone." Normally I don't act like this. Musts be the drinks talking but I have become bold. In my sober state, honestly I wouldn't be talking this way to a stranger. Nowadays people can just shoot you for just looking at them.

"Well miss rude person, how bout that dance?" This man just wont give up.

"Look I'm sure you are a nice man but unless you are looking for a one night stand, I'm not it." Attempting to stand up, my feet had wobbled.

"Woah there, want me to take you home?" His hands were now on my waist.

"No thank you I can manage."

"So she can be nice." My lips curled trying to brush him away.

"Oh well my first rejection of the night." I heard him mumble as I stumbled towards the exit.

Sitting in an Uber I laid back. There was a time I could stay in a bar for hours but now, I looked at my watch. Who the hell goes home at ten. Gosh, I must be old.

Now I am bored as I was scrolling through my contacts, until I was met with a name. My finger hoovering the call button on Emily. I miss my sister. Usually when we fight we forget about it the next day. But this is the longest time we haven't spoken to each other.

Finally arriving home, I entered my empty home realizing that Jake isn't here.

My thoughts were of what had happened earlier today when he ask me to go to a Halloween party. Of course I said yes and had told Tina that he couldn't take Mia trick or treating. I never deny Jake to hang out with his friends.

And to think he gets invites to parties makes me very happy. Better than my child hood. All he needs now is a costume. He wanted to do a pirates theme but perhaps he would choose something different.


"Mom, how bout this?"  Seeing Jake try on a clown mask made my day.  It reminded me of my childhood.  It reminded me how much I hate clowns.

"If you wear that to the party I swear you are sleeping outside."

Jake and I were down at Waikele in Party City looking at costumes.  "After the party you are going to your Aunt Tina's home and count candies with Mia."

"But mom, why?"  Jake stomped his foot whining.

"Because Mia was disappointed you aren't going trick or treating with her.  And every year you have gone with her."

"But I'm fourteen so I can't do childish things."

Raising my eye brow, "You are still a child.  You are still my child."  It was maddening to know my little boy is growing up.  With every year he gets older.  And soon he will be off to college than marriage.  Shaking my head from all thoughts I restrained from tearing.

"Mom, don't cry.  I will always be your child."  He bent forward to give a nose rub.  That has always been a tradition with us which symbolizes affection and caring.  "I love you mom."

Being a mom is the best feeling in the word.  It's moments like this that I'm glad I have Jake in my life.

"What about this?"  I picked up a devil's head band.  Just because I'm thirty doesn't mean I can't have fun and dress up during Halloween.

Throughout this passing hours we had tried out many different costume.  If you think I was picky, Jake is even more picky than me.  "Jake just pick one."

"I can't decided.  I want to go all out for my first costume party."  He screamed excitedly.

"You are too loud Jake."

Picking up a sword, "Maybe I should go with being a ninja."

"Wouldn't you want to be something different.  How many times were you a ninja?"

"Fine."  Rolling his head he picked up a mask for me, "This one should suit you."

A mask?  Of course I could use a mask.  "I need something to go with this mask."

"How bout this one?"  Jake chose a cloth costume.

"That one will make me sweat."  I needed something light.

"Will Aunt Emily and Liz be at Auntie Tina's home?"

"I don't know hun."

"Are you still not talking to Auntie Emily?"

"Boy why are you asking?"

"Because you are sisters and sister's shouldn't fight.  If I had a sibling I know I wouldn't want to go without talking to him or her."

"Jake there are things, adult things that happen.  But don't worry yourself.  Your Auntie and I will be just fine."  I assured him.  I just hope that Emily and I would patch things up before the holidays come.  Sometimes she can hold petty grudges for far too long.

And I don't want to make the same regret as I did with our parents.  

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