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I can't believe I said yes. What was I thinking. But one look from his eyes it was like I was hypnotized and I'll probably do everything he says. Now here I am as I stare at the ring he had given me. It was a princess cut two tone diamond. How the hell could he afford this?

Thirty one years old Lia, I'm thirty one for heavens sake engage to a much younger boy. What will his parents say? I know what they will say, a cougar because that is what I am. But you can't help who you fall in love with. I tried hard not too.

My first marriage didn't work out, and now my biggest fear is him finding someone else younger.

Jake has already grown attached to him. If Jake had said no, I would have said no too but that boy was all for it. He was more excited than I am.  Even though he was sulking after Leo's proposal and said no you can't automatically well that's because and he quote, "Hold up does that mean we will have different last names?"

I laughed but after he had wanted too to change his last name to Santi saying he didn't want to be left out. Unfortunately since he is not yet eighteen, his dad has to give up his parental rights in order for me to change his last name and honestly I don't even know if Daniel would agree after all Jake is his first son. And after my divorce I had a chance to change my last name back to my maiden name but didn't because I didn't want Jake and I to have different last name. Now look at me, in the end we will have different last name.

Leo on the other hand said he will handle it.  He has been saying that a lot lately,

My sister Tina though she didn't congratulate me she is getting there. She even tried to hold a conversation with him minus all the questions.

She didn't give me her blessings yet but she will. As Emily was praising that I had actually found someone. In reality, I valued my sister's opinion.

But poor Elizabeth. She was heart set on Leo.

Ever since that day, Leo had come over whether it was three in the morning or eleven at night baring flowers and mint chocolate ice cream for Jake. Like me, Jake has a sweet tooth. It's a good thing he doesn't gain weight.

As for my baby, I was heavily showing. Aside from Jake, Leo comes with me to my appointments. He was sweet, they both are if you count being cooped up in bed all day long. I swear those boys treat me like a china plate.

"What do you want?"  I turned to Leo who was pushing a cart down Safeway.  I needed to stock up on food because next week it is his graduation and I thought having prepare some kind of meal for a celebration would suffice.  And right now Jake is at his Karate Class.  We'll pick him up afterwards.

Looking around, Leo turned towards me, "You are seriously asking me that?" He raised his brow before pulling me into an empty isle while pressing his hard body against mine.  My skin quivered and it wasn't because it was cold.

"Le..." I didn't have time to finish before he slam his mouth on mine.  If this continues we'd be having sex right here where there are probably camera's around giving them a good show.

Giving me the most sensual kiss, I felt myself wanting more.  I wanted to stop, but at the same time I didn't.

"Ehem..." However someone else had stopped us.  Releasing me, both Leo and I turned to see a woman with her child in the same isle as us just glaring at us.  "This is a public place and they're are kids here."

I have never been so embarrassed in my life.  Taking the cart, Leo just walked next to me laughing.  "You think this is funny?  I live in this area and I have to see the same people."

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