Sleep Over

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Maybe I should have ordered three large pizzas.  Even with Jake's appetite, two large pizzas weren't enough.  How can they eat that many slices and be that fit while I'm over here just finishing my one slice and trying not to crave for another. Even Jake is skinner than me.

Watching Jake just hanging out with his new friends swelled my heart.  I always fear he wouldn't be able to make friends because of his shy child like personality.

The pizza's box's were now empty and Peter was trying to eat all the crumbs.

"Hungry still?"  I asked.

Jake then got up and brought out our four bags of chips and I continued to watch all boys eat all my junk food. 

"You guys aren't planning to come over often are you?"  I leaned back in my chair just sighing.

"Why, would that be a problem?"  Leo smirked knowing they would come back and my wallet would be spent on food.

"I think you guys will eat me out of house and home?"  I chuckled at the current situation. 

"Well Ms. Davis, we are growing boys?"  Noel high five Peter.

"Besides Jake has one cool mom?"  Ash smiled.  Of course he does. I proudly stated to myself.

Jake, being Jake put down his coke and put his head on my lap like he would do so many other times while I just pat his head, "Yeah, mom's the best."  He yawned sleepily.

"So Jake where's your dad?"  It was Leo's turn say something.

But Jake remained silent before Leo's eyes had darkened giving his blue orbs a blackish look, "Yes Ms. Davis is there not a father figure or husband though you did repeatedly remind us it is Ms. not Mrs."  All the boys gave me there undivided attention.

"Sad to say boys, no dad.  He has been out of the picture for more than ten years."

"I'm sorry to hear that."  Ash gave us a sadden look.

"I'm not."  Leo blurted causing me to laughed.

"Don't worry he has been away for more than ten years."  I get the feeling Leo was curious and wanted to ask more but didn't when I stood up pushing Jake's head away.

"Owie mom."

"We have to get ready, you have karate class."  Turning towards the boys, "Don't you boys have to go home?  It is getting late."

"Nope.  Here is more fun than ours." Really it's just like any other home.

"I'm sure you have places to be, girl friends to see..."

"Are you trying to get rid of us Ms. Davis."  Leo huffed.

"Unfortunately yes, Jake has Karate class in one hour."

"Karate class?"  They spoke in unison surprise that he is taking Karate.

"Jake you take Karate?"  Noel's eyes  him up and down.

Rubbing the back of his neck, "Yea why?"

"If so why do you let Tim bully you?"  Ash asked causing Jake to mumble some inchorent words.

"Bully, you are being builled in school?" This was new to me.  Again why am I finding this out.  Why can't he tell me before hand.  "Jake."  My voice boomed, "What the hell is this all about?  I thought you are supposed to tell me everything."

"Mom, please don't make a big deal out of it."  He whined.

"None sense. Tomorrow I'm going to your school and..."

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