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Playing video games is always fun, especially when you have someone to play with.  However I was losing to Amelia while my concentration was on the phone call that Jake was having with his dad.  A man I have never met but hate.

Course I could only hear the one sided conversation Jake was having.  And to me it sounds like Jake was not even interested in talking to his old man.

"Hah! I won."  Amelia jumped from her seat shaking her ass. 

"I let you win."  I grinned.

"You're just a sore loser." 

"Oh, he's my friend."  My ears leaned into Jake before mouthing of to me that his dad was curious in who I was to him.  "Yeah mom is here."

Looking at Jake and the phone, he better not want to talk to Amelia.  "Mom, dad wants to speak to you."  Jake hands her the phone before picking up a remote control.

Amelia rolled her eyes as she grabbed the phone, "Yes Daniel." 

"Aren't you going to choose your character?"  Jake gawked at me but I was too busy watching Amelia's reaction.  Was she still in love with the man?  But judging by her facial expression it looked more like she was annoyed as her voice soon became clip with every answer she was giving him making me smile.

"What no!"  her teeth clench making Jake and I listen in.  "I'm going to take this upstairs."  She mouthed to us.  Oh hell no.  Just as she was about to leave, I forcefully sat her ass back down next to me.  I was going to take no chances with her having a private conversation with him.

Never in my life have I felt so insecure.  Amelia only looked at me in confusion before returning back towards the call.  "Come on start the new game."  Taking my controller we began to start but Jake was kicking my ass. 

I was too busy concentrating on Amelia to really focus.  "No and again no.  I don't care."

"Mom, what does dad want?"  Jake whispered making Amelia quiet him down.

"Daniel like hell..." she paused, "I don't fucking care!  You know what, call my cell only when you want to speak to Jake that is all."  Hanging up the phone she slump back on the sofa.

"What was that about?"  Curiosity got the best of me.

"Oh it was nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing."  Leaning back I went back to the game. 

"Yeah mom tell me."

"It is nothing Jake, just play.  I'm going upstairs to wash up.  You boys have fun and Leo don't forget your dinner with your family."  She reminded, heading up stairs.

This was it.  I was no mood to play anymore.  "Your mom seems upset."

"Yea she always gets upset whenever she speaks to dad."

"Does she still love him?"

Jake looked at me, "Hell no.  She can't stand the guy.  Tells me his voice always annoys her.  Don't even know what she saw in him."  I relax at that.  "Maybe I should see what's up with mom."

"No, you play.  I'll go check on her."

"Okay, I'm going to switch it to Mario Odyssey then."

"Stay down here."  I ordered.

Smiling, I headed up stairs where I entered her room only to find her bent over while closing and locking her door shut.  Rising straight back up she turned only to collide with my chest, "Oh fuck.  Leo you scared me."  Her lips trembled while backing away from me but wrapping an arm around her, I pulled her closer to me.  I could feel her tremble before me.

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