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I will be uploading lots more chapters soon. More insight on this book is suppose to be sweet and cute maybe funny, that part I don't know since I'm not very funny is also suppose to be witty I think. This is about life I suppose, what is, what could, what will...

This is not like the my other books were there will be a (bad person) per say, this book as I said before is base on others true personalities with a hint of embellishment... lol

Yet still have a choice to read or not, doesn't matter to me...but don't bash my characters.

The places are real and this book is taken place in my home Hawaii... The schools are real too, look it up... Damien Memorial High school, the school my son wishes to go. And yes my son is in soccer (been playing since he was 5) and Karate...he did take part in the school spelling B (Lost out in district but will try again) also he is in first lego league (A robotics club) He wants to do foot ball but I said no to that. He is just ten years old. Don't know much about foot ball but I don't know much about soccer too.  I just watch the kids kick the ball and if it goes in the goal then its a score he he.

Again this book is suppose to be sweet that it will give you cavities. Maybe...who knows it sure made me cringe every time I write something that is suppose to be cute.

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