My Angel

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Only for a second. I had taken my eyes off her for a second to find her gone. Was she real?

"Jake did you see an angel a second ago?"

He looked at me confused before shaking his head 'no' rapidly. I could have sworn she was here. Once again I found my self at the food table as I kept a watch full eye on the dance floor. Just searching. Though it was hard to make out whose who, I would recognized a pair of angel wings. She was the only one dressed in white.

"Come on Leo, we hadn't had fun all night today." Sasha trotted my way swaying her hips but I hadn't notice.

My eyes diverted to Jake who was talking with a mermaid before he noticed me sadly smiling, "Go ahead Leo. We both know you want to." He annoyingly answered. Something tells me this is about his mom. "I have to go anyway, its getting late. See you in school." Before I could reply he was off and Sasha was already dragging me through the crowd towards an empty room where my feet stupidly followed until my eyes once again found Jake talking to someone only to widen. It was the angel that I had my eyes set on for the night.

They were leaving together which only made me took a turn. No wonder she felt vaguely familiar. It was true. When I felt her warmth it was like I know her but couldn't pin point from where. But seeing Jake with her, it only confirmed it.

Pulling my hand away from Sasha, "Leo?"  Turning away from Jake and the angel I contemplated what I wanted to do at this very moment.  Truth be told just feeling Sasha's breast rubbed against my skin had told me something.  Then again...

"Sorry Sasha but I have to go." She frowned but beamed when I kissed her on the forehead. A habit of mine since we were kids.

Following them out, I notice her car, Amelia's car as it took off and only to one direction, home their home.

Hopping in my own car I followed. Of course I kept my distance seeing I already knew where she was headed. But as I recall Jake was going over to his cousin's house while Amelia had the house to herself hopefully.

I just hope things won't turn out for the worse.

The lights were on, in her bedroom as a shadow was seen through her windows.

Making my way up the her door, I threw my mask and the cape aside as I hesitantly turned the knob only to find out it was not locked. A frown now marred on my face.  How can she not lock the door.

Locking the door behind me, I slowly made my way up the stairs, while I could feel myself getting a major boner at the mere fact she was just a few feet away from me. Shit! Adjusting myself so I don't come off as some horny teen, my eyes widen as I pushed open her door to see her frantically looking around.

Turning towards me shock evident on her face. Call me a stalker I don't care. Soon Enough I had her pinned between me and the wall not allowing her to escape. Our close proximity was making my heart pound against my chest. If only she could hear it. How much it screams for her, how much it yearns for her.

Her breathing becoming erratic. Placing a hand in front of my chest, I scanned her body. A small smile played on my lips as she stood before me half naked.

She had begged me not to do this and I heard her, I heard her words but I chose not to listen. I don't care who the hell fucking knows because what I want now is her screaming my name.

She was afraid of what others would think, her families and mine. Why the hell should we care what they think. It is only us that should matter. And bringing up Sasha, I know now for a fact I can't marry her.  Not now, not ever since I have who I want.

Catch Me if You Canजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें