Not Ours

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"You know this is this temporary."  Daniel smugly said.  If I wasn't in my own home and if Jake wasn't in the house or I wasn't holding Nessa I would have beat him in front of his son.  This was a stalky man.  Not like the photos Amelia had shown me.  This man is proof of his laziness.  He neglected his body.  And to think he once was in the army.

"Is that why she is always screaming and begging for more in the bed room."  I smirked.  "You do know you have a few more days to stay here then I expect you and your son to go."  After he had signed the paper of name change, I had turned it in this morning.  I couldn't wait, course it would be a couple weeks before the court approves of it.

"Yeah about that, give me time to find a place."

"Time?  Time my fucking ass.  You just want to get close to Amelia."

He didn't even deny eye.  "Yes.  Ray needs a mother and Amelia is perfect."

"You do know she is married to me."  I gritted my teeth.

"And you do know I was her first love.  And you know first love is hard to forget."

"You got that right, was as in past tense.  I will be her last love and you, you are very easy to forget."  I wasn't backing down and neither was. But he knew if he wanted a fight he would be loosing this one battle.

"At least let my son stay here for a while, while I settle things."

"You want us to take care of your son?"

He nodded his head confidentially.  What the hell?  "He is your son as in your responsibility.  He is not even Amelia's responsibly.  Why the hell would we take care of your son that is not ours."

"He is just a kid..."

"Correction he is your kid.  If you can't handle your son then why have a son in the first place."

"Because right now I don't have the funds to take care of him."  How dare he say that.  And he wants Amelia and I to take care of him.  I'm barely out of college and Amelia has two kids to take care of.  We don't need a third one.  Sad to say but no.

"Then get a fucking job."  Amelia did say he didn't have a job for whatever reason.

"I have a disability which prevents me from working."  I stared at him not believing a word he say because he seems, he looks fine.  "I lost my hearing in one ear."  He states.

"And you can't work because you can't hear on one side."  I snarled.  "Would you like me to stab your other ear too so all the more reason you can't work."  Even the deaf people have jobs. 

"What are you guys doing?"  Amelia was drying her hair. 

"Just men talk."  Daniel smiled turning towards her, "Lia we were just discussing if you could watch Ray while I find us a place to stay."  This man here after I just said no he goes and ask her.

"Watch Ray?  Did you ask my husband?" I smirked because usually what I say goes.

"Well yes but now I'm asking you."


"Because isn't this your house."  I wanted to break his jaw for even stating that.

"Excuse me Daniel, this is our house, my husband and I."

"But don't you pay the mortgage."  My hands were in a ball of fists.

"Daniel first you ask us to watch your son and now you are insulting my husband."  Amelia wrapped her arms around me making Daniel frowned.

"He is a kid Lia."

"And the answer is no.  I'm sorry Daniel but I have two other kids to take care of.  I don't need another one and for the record he is your son. Sorry but I can't take care of your son. In a few days I expect you and your son to move out."  And this is why I love her.  She stands her ground.

Once he understood he left back to the living room where Ray is.

"Doesn't his son go to school?" He should right.

"I think he will enroll him in Kapolei Middle school."

"Kapolei Middle School."

"Mmm..." She replied.

"Does that mean he'll be moving some where close."

"Probably."  Close my ass.  If he thinks he is getting Amelia back, he's got another thing coming.  Maybe we should move closer to Jake's school so he can come home for lunch.

"Just a few more days until they are out of here."  She sighed pressing her body against mine and trying not to crush Nessa. She smelt good as always.

After yesterday, I was glad that Sasha and my colleagues left.  Course Sasha was reluctant to leave especially with Jake and Amelia still here.  I have not yet told Sasha nor my parents about me being married or the fact that I have a daughter.  Don't know why though.  Perhaps I was just scared.  I hate to admit it but they are in control of my college tuition.  And if I had told Amelia that I'm sure she would pay for it too.  I don't want her treating me as another kid.  I'm her husband and I want to be treated as such.

I can't have her pay for it.  I'm the one that is suppose to support her.  But the odd jobs that I do is not enough to even support my family.  I feel less of a man because of that.  Four more years until I finish college and get an actual career so I don't have to rely on mom and dad's money.

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong generation.  If only I was born earlier.

Once I finish college I will give Amelia the wedding she deserves and invite my family.  Course my parents will probably be against it but they can't do anything about it since she is already my wife and we have a daughter.

"What are you thinking?"  Amelia lifted her head to look at me.

Thinking?  How lucky I am to have you as my wife and the family you have given me.  "Nothing."  I replied.

"Oh okay."  She bit her lips making me a raging hard on.  How I would like to take her up on the counter.

"I'm hungry."  Ray entered the kitchen where Amelia and I was at.

Glaring at him, he shrunk back. I know it is not the kids fault but I can't help but be angry at him for even being here.

Being Amelia she prepared food for him.  Just fruits.  "Where is Jake?"

"Up stairs, said he would be doing his home work in his room.  Can't stand being around Daniel."

"Oh, okay.  I'm going to check up on him if he wants snack then I'm going to bed.  But first..." She took Nessa in her arms.  "I'm going to put her in her crib."

I watch Amelia heading up stairs with Nessa while I had seen Daniel also watching her.  Is he staring at her ass?

Just as I was about to march up to him, I heard shouting and yelling then the door slamming and a very loud thud.

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