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"Yo man, we have to come up with another business plan. The professor shut it down saying we don't have the info we need." I turned my head towards Tim who was chewing on his pencil. Carlos was too busy listening to his music, Zack was taking notes and Brenda, she was busy staring at me.

This is my group. And we were at the school library trying to get our project in order.

"I don't think we will get this done by the end of school." Zack added.

"I think we have to meet after school." Again?

"You coming this time man?" Carlos had put down his head phone. I admit I have, not once gone to meet up with them but not to say I didn't do my part. I did. There are other ways such as text messages and emails. Unfortunately for them I never gave out my number. I couldn't risk Brenda here texting me at odd hours.

"Depends where and how long?"

"You never meet us. Why? Is there something else more like someone else you'd rather be?" Tim raised his brow causing Brenda to drum her fingers.

"Dude, he has that fine girlfriend, what's her name, Sasha."

"Yeah, I see her hanging around you. Word has it you two are neighbors and married."

"Married, to her. Not likely."

"Oh, well that is what everyone is saying?" Carlos looked away making my jaw clench. Is this what Sasha is spreading.

"I'm tired of this." Brenda finally speaks up. "How bout we meet up at my house?"

"Sounds good."

"Brenda don't you live in Kaneohe?" I couldn't afford to go all the way that side. Besides I have to pick up Jake from school and Amelia and Nessa from that hotel I had them stay at. When I had dropped them off early this morning, I made sure Amelia and Nessa were comfortable. She thought I was joking but I was dead serious. I may have let her ex-husband stay in our house but I'm not stupid enough to let them be along together.

"How bout your place then Leo?" Brenda asked. I shutter to think should I invite her over. Then that could give her access to where I live. But then again Amelia said she wouldn't mind.

"Fine. I'll write you down the address."

"No need for me, I'll just ride with you."

"Brenda I have errands after school. I suggest you ride with one of the boys here because I won't be home for another hour. We will meet then." Sulking, I packed up my books and headed towards my next class.

"Leo." Oh great. Halting in my steps, I let Sasha reached me. "I heard you are inviting your group members to your house." Holy fuck. I just was gone not too long ago and already she finds out.

"It's for our project."

"It's not fair." She pouted sticking out her bottom lip. "I haven't even been to your house yet and you are inviting not one but three of them over."

"Sasha this is for school not a party."

"I know but I want to come too."

"No!" I barked a little too fast causing her to flinched, "I mean you will just be a distraction." Seeming okay with my words I left her.

The day went by fast and it was time to go home.

Getting in my car I was stopped by Brenda, "Leo. Please let me ride with you." Before I could even say anything she hopped in the passenger's seat buckling her seat belt.

"Get out."

"But Leo."

Rubbing my face with my hand, I swear this woman will send me to my early grave, "I told you I have to do something."

"Like what. What could be more important than giving me a ride to your place so we could work on our project."

"My family, now out." I pointed to the back seat when she seen the car seat that was made for Nessa.

"You have a child."

Not going to even respond to that, "Ask Tim to give you a ride." When she seen the seriousness in my eyes, she reluctantly got out as I not once looking back, drove off.

"Leo." Jake greeted as he had hopped in the car. Hours later, I had picked up Jake and I was on my way to my wife and daughter.

"How was school?"

"Fine." Just one word. Was I like that when I was his age?

"What is fine? Come on is anyone still bothering you? Nora perhaps?"

"No, I pretty much hang with Noel and Peter. As for Nora I don't talk to her."

"I thought she liked you..."

"Well I sort of told her I didn't want to be her friend."

"What, why?"

"Because of the Summer End Bash when she tried to get me to smoke pot." What! She did what! I'm glad I graduated school otherwise I'd have to hang her.

Finally reaching my destination, "Wait here for me." Leaving the car on, I headed towards the Hilton Hotel and with a card key I entered the room to find Nessa asleep on Amelia's chest.

Taking on my cell phone I took their picture secretly of the both of them. Just as the flash sounded Amelia woke up.

"You're back." She yawned as I carefully removed Nessa from her who clung to her clothes.

"Come on love. Jake is waiting in the car." She didn't pack much things. It was just for one night after all and mostly it was baby things like baby bottles and diaper. Nessa still drinks breast milk after all.

As we neared the car, Jake was already in the back seat. Strapping Nessa in, Amelia and I got in the car.

"I have some colleagues coming to work on our project."

"Oh okay. I'll order pizza. Oh and Jake got something for you..." taking out a paper she handed it to Jake.

"Petition of Name Change?"

"Yups, since your dad agreed I had to get this. All we need is his signature." Though I couldn't see Jake except through this rear view mirror he was happy as I was.

"Did you hear that Leo?"

"I sure did." He hugged Amelia from behind.

"Mom I'm going to be Jake Santi too." And to think I thought having Daniel and his son stay with us was a bad idea. "I can't wait to have him sign this."

"Once he signs it, I'll turn it in tomorrow."

Nessa too wanted in on the happiness. I found her to be giggling where she stay.

"Did you hear that Nessa. I will be Jake Santi."

Could this day get any better?

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