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All the awkwardness was soon wiped out by meaningful conversations.  It was like a family gathering except that mom and dad were no longer with us.

"I miss mom and dad."  I blurted while standing in the kitchen.  Us sisters pried ourselves away from all those testosterone figure squatted in my living room.

"We should go visit them before sometime soon."  Emily said.

"Yea. I'll bring flowers and we'll make it a picnic." Tina agreed. Last year was the hardest time in our lives especially for Jake. He was especially close to his grandpa. So when mom died of a heart attack, not long after dad passed away too. As for me I was always a daddy's girl even though I'm the oldest child. And my mom was like my best friend. Course we had our few share of arguments but what friends don't argue. And when they had pass it affect all of us. Especially during the holidays. I remember when Thanks Giving comes dad would bring out all his cash he saved throughout the year and divided among the three of us.

"I'll bring food too." I offered. Another silence took place realizing this Emily splashed water on us.

"What the hell was that for?" Tina glared.

"You guys look serious. Mom and dad wouldn't want us to sulk during this time."

"You're right. So Ems," I wanted to ask about Elizabeth and her pregnancy but I was scared it would just cause another argument but being the noisy me I did anyway, "About Liz?"

"She got an abortion."  Liz sighed not believing she had to take her fourteen year old daughter for an abortion.

"Oh I'm so sorry Liz."  Tina sadly smile.

"She'll get over it hopefully."  I added.

"It's fine.  She was sad at first but she'll thank me later."

"And you and Chris?"  My brows furrowed at my little sister whose problems seems far worse than mine.

"I haven't find any clues but I think he is cheating."  Tina and I gasped.  Cheating?  Chris?  Is she still on about that?  Hard to believe because he loves his family, his wife.

"And if he is?" 

"Oh I don't know.  We have been married or thirteen years.  I gave him thirteen years."  Emily teared while Tina and I consoled her.

"I'm sure he is not."  My words I wanted to believe but something in me is saying otherwise.

"You're right.  Now enough about me, what about you and that Leo boy."  Emily smirked.

"They better not be a thing."  Tina growled.

"And what is wrong with that?"  This is why Tina was so quick to judge and Emily always seen the brighter picture.

"Ems, don't tell me you are okay with that.  He is eighteen for heavens sake.  Lia, you should find someone around your age."

"Tina, we can't stop who we fall for besides age is just a number.  Honestly you think she would be the only one who had a relationship with someone older or younger than you."

"Hello, I'm right here."  I hated when the speak like I'm not in the room.  "I'm your older sister and I love the both of you but please Tina this is my life."

"You'll only get hurt in the end Lia.  What if someone younger and prettier comes along.  He could leave you for the next good fuck."

"Tina."  Shock that word just came out of her mouth.  She never curse.

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