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Just as I was about to head upstairs Daniel got up from his seat. "And where the hell do you think you are going?"

"Where do you think? To check on Lia." Before he can even step foot on a single step I effortlessly toss him aside causing Ray to rush to his dad.

"Dad." Helping his dad Ray turned to me, "Why the heck did you do that for?" He raised his voice at me.

"Watch who you are talking too." I don't care if he is a kid, he will show me some damn respect in my house. Picking himself up, "You are not allowed upstairs."

Leaving them both, I headed for Amelia who looked pained. "What happened?" She stood at Jake's door not moving an inch before slowing turning to face me. Tears were already brimming her eyes. Did Jake yell at her again. Teenagers.

Pulling her in, she was breathing hard. "Love, what happened."

"Um...Jake...he..." She stammered, her face grew flustered. "Since"

"Breath baby."

Taking a deep breath, "I thought he was doing homework but he was busy...stupid boy, why didn't he lock the door."

My eyes widen. I could only guess what she walked in. Stupid boy in deed.

Opening the door Jake stood in the door way seeming embarrassed and humiliated. He couldn't even make eye contact with his mom.

But once he did, she was in tears. "Mom, I'm sorry it's just..."

"Boy you forgot to lock the door." Jake fidget in his place not knowing what to say and at this point I wanted to slap him.

Just as Jake tried to pull her in for a hug, Amelia stopped him. "The hell you doing? You did not even wash your hands." Throwing her arms in the air, "I need a nap." Before heading towards our room closing the door in the process.

"Jake." I finally spoke. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I would like to blame him but I honestly can't. After all it is normal for a young teenager to experience but at the same time it could be traumatizing if they were caught. I remember my mom had caught me with Sasha for the first time in my bed room and I should have been embarrassed like Jake. But no rather I was angry because she stood there celebrating our relationship.

"I didn't know...I mean..."

"You were suppose to be doing homework."

"I finished and I got bored so..."

"Next time lock the door. And get dress. Your Karate class starts soon."

Heading down stairs I was bombarded by Daniel, "What happened?"

"That is non of your business."

Tilting his head, "It is when my family is the one that is involve."

"Correction my family and..."

"Leo, let's go." Jake walked down stairs in his clothes not even giving his dad a passing glass.

"Wow Jake where are you going?" Daniel asked.

Jake only glared, "Out. And no funny business with mom." Leaving, I gave Daniel a smug look.

"I will be back in a few. If I hear you set foot upstairs I will have no qualms in beating you up in front of your son." Turning to Ray, "You better watch your dad."

I was worried leaving Daniel at home especially that my wife and daughter are upstairs. But I will only be gone for a few minutes. Once I drop Jake off at Karate class I intend to come back home.

And I had to make it quick. "I don't trust him with mom." Jake said.

"Neither do I. I would have brought her along but she seems tired. She needs rest."

"Are they leaving soon?"

"Soon." Dropping Jake off, I hurriedly rushed home. Something in me was telling me that I had to by pass all the red lights. Good thing there were no cops around.

Parking the car, I made my way upstairs to find Ray fumbling in the kitchen but no Daniel. "Fucking shit." Storming upstairs, I bursts into the room as my blood boiled at the sight.

Daniel was looming over her, straddling her with her legs as she looked fearful.

He didn't even hear me coming in as he was too busy trying to have his way with my wife. Grabbing him by the color I punch him. "What the fuck!" He didn't even have time to process or defend himself as I continued to punch him. My knuckles were red and bleeding.

"Leo, let him go." Amelia had wrapped her whole body around me.

Letting him go, I took Amelia in my arms assessing her. "Love are you okay?" Cupping her face she nodded trembling in my arms. "I was gone for one fucking minute and you went upstairs into our room." Ray rushed upstairs as he rushed towards his dad who was bleeding on my floor.

"I could sue you." Daniel threaten.

"Sue me? For what. Defending my wife!"

"For what? She liked it. Didn't you honey." Oh hell no.

Amelia's hold on me tightened as I attempted to throw another punch. "Leo, it's okay I am fine."

"No it is not okay. He fucking touch you." If he did anymore I would have killed him. "I want the both of you out." I demanded.

Ray looked ashamed and fearful at the same time, "Please sir. I am sorry for what my dad did but you said we could stay here. We have two more days." Fucking hell. It's not his son's fault that he has a dick for a dad.

"The boy is right. I signed the papers and we have two more days to stay here. Then we are out. I already found a place to stay." If he did, what the hell is he waiting for?

"Then move in already."

"It won't be ready till after our time is up here." I shuddered to think where he is staying. But I don't care as long as it is far away from here and far away from my family.

"Get the fuck out of our room."

Turning to leave, I waited till they are out the door before I slammed it shut, locking it in the process. I don't care if Amelia is sleeping or tired, I am never leaving her alone in this house especially with him.

Taking her in my arms I breathed in her scent. "I'm never leaving you alone again."

She giggled, "I have never seen your so angry before. I don't know if I should be..."

"I'm sorry." I apologized. Fear ate at me if I had scared her.

"It was hot. The way your muscle's flex, the way your eyes had darkened. You look sexy when angry."

Smiling I picked her up, slamming her back against the wall, "Is that so. Then we should have angry sex."

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