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"Do you honestly think I needed to change?"  After the game which was victorious on our part, Jake had me drive back home for whatever reason.  "I thought you wanted to go to the party?  I'm sure your teammates are looking for you."

Jake was in my room rummaging through my closet before tossing a dress out, "Mom, change into this."  He held up one of my dress that I hadn't worn in five years.  Why this didn't go into the donation box is beyond me.

"Jake we are just going to a party, not some night club.  Besides what is wrong with what I wear?"

He circled me like a vulture before tossing my hat aside, "Please mom.  You need to dress nicely."  I grabbed the dress from him inspecting it.

"Jake honey, I haven't worn this in years.  Hell I don't even know if it will still fit."  The look in his eyes pleaded with mine.  "Fine.  Get out before I get mad."  Throwing a smile on his face, I quickly dressed up.  It still fits, just a little snug.

"Are you finished?"

"Come in."

Jake came in giving me a one over look, "Perfect.  Now leave your hair down."  He took a brush and began brushing it remembering the time when he was a boy he loved to brush my hair.  Usually I'd either have my hair in a bun or a pony tail along with a hat or a sun glass.  I always hated my eyes and thought I had a big forehead.  Not only that Jake loves to choose the clothes I buy.  He was just like his father in that aspect.  His father had good taste in choosing my clothes.

"Jake, you make it look like I'm going on a date.  This is a high school party for kids now come on before you are late."  Not bothering to take another look in the mirror Jake gave me my heels before we were back on the road.

"You look pretty mom.  Did I ever tell you, you are the prettiest mom ever." 

"Awe honey, thank you."  He was sweet.  This is my boy and whoever girl has him will be the luckiest.  "But I feel like a wannabe teenager."

"Mom, I like it when you dress like this.  Makes you look not so old."

"Boy, are you calling your mom old."

"What! No."  He laughed.

Finally finding parking we could hear the music all the way out side and trust me the ground was shaking.

I could smell the liquor as it hits my nose.  Smoke had filled the room along with kids making out.  Is this even a high school party?  Why the hell are they drinking?  A part of me wanted to scold these kids but the other part had restrained that part.  I couldn't do that.  It would spoil Jake's fun time of bringing me here.

Not only could I smell the drunken state of most here I wondered if they had someone to drive them home. 

"Jake!"  A loud voice called.

"Mom the teams this way."  Linking his arms in mine, he pulled me towards the kitchen before I watch them greeting one another.

"And who is this lovely lady?"  Glancing at Ash, I had wondered did I look any different from my usual clothes that I was unrecognizable.

"Dude aren't you going to introduce us?"  Another had nudge Jake whose girlfriend that was hanging off his arm snarled at me. 

"You don't recognize her."  Ash took one good look at me before his jaw drops.

"Ms. Dav..." before he could even finish the sentence I grabbed his lips squeezing it just a bit.

"Shh...not here, it is Lia."  Good thing the music was loud enough.

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