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"Ash, is that pork I smell?" Sticking up my nose I knew I smelt something not pleasant.

"Ms. D what are you doing here, you should be upstairs resting."

"The smell is what brought me down...ack." I gave a small yelp as my foot slipped on the wet floor. Thankfully no harm came to me as John had wrapped his arms around me preventing my fall.

"Ms. Davis are you okay?" Helping me stand with his arms around me I couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Leo's voice boomed who was holding a tray of barbecue ribs with nothing on but his shorts. Yummy. And I was not talking about the food. I couldn't help but stare as sweat glistened his body.

Releasing me, John looked frightened as he held up both hands in the air, "Bro nothing, nothing."

"She just slip that's all." Peter said nonchalantly.

"Slip!?" But Leo looked angry as hell when his eyes gazed upon the floor. "Why the hell is there a puddle on the floor?"

"Dude relax, I was just about to mop." Oh my god, this is moping. What happened to the bucket I gave them.

"I didn't tell you to spill the water on the floor. Use the dame bucket." Setting the food down, Leo held me in his place. "She could have gotten hurt."

"It's okay. I'm fine Leo."

Maybe I should have stayed quiet because his anger was now directed towards me, "Didn't I tell you to stay up stairs in bed."

Is he seriously putting me on house arrest in my own home. "I was bored and..." He didn't let me finish when he had effortlessly lifted me up in his arms heading straight for my room and placed me down gently not minding how hot and incredible sexy he is right now. This can't be good for the heart.

"Now wait here until the guests arrives." When he had said he would throw my baby shower who knew he was serious. After all men don't give baby showers but here he is very controlling might I add. As for Jake he had sent out the invitations. I don't know how the hell he got Tina to come considering she still doesn't know I'm pregnant. Emily on the other hand had called me the other day telling me she was just as excited as I was.

I wonder who else did they invite considering I didn't have much friends.

From up stairs, all I could hear were shouts and banging mainly from the entire soccer team. Leo had asked them a favor and they were glad to help. More so they were very excited. Noel even made himself the god father but for some odd reason Leo refused calling him a blabbermouth. Well not exactly like it but still causing Noel to apologize to him many times over.

Who knew I would be thirty one and pregnant.

Twitching my legs that were aching to go back down stairs to see the damage but I remained in my confined room. All though this is still my house, I shutter to think what had happened down there.

I was bored as hell. And Leo, well Leo is sweet and caring but sometimes he treats me like I'm the fragile one. When Jake had a problem Leo was there to take care of him. Not that I mind but I guess I was just use to be the one to take care of Jake's problem. They would even have secret talks that I wasn't allowed to know.

What the hell is that?

So far things have been going great but I still couldn't shake the fact that this is the calm before the storm. My sister for one. Will she be happy, sad, angry. Sometimes I wish she could just be happy for me.

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