Final Plea

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Doctors, all they care about is making money. Not once do they care about the patients and their families. I overheard some of the nurses talking how it was a lost cause and she is just taking up space. She is my wife god damn it. Regardless of my pleas the doctor wanted to get rid of her knowing there was in know way she would wake up. What the hell do they know. How dare they.

Watching them take my wife off of life support, I was angry at the doctors, at the nurses, at the hospital but most of all I was mad at Amelia. How could she sign a paper to remove her life support even if she didn't know she was going to be on one. But how could she not discuss it with me.

I can't believe this.  My wife...damn it.  I was practically cursing the doctors, cursing my so called family, cursing god for taking the love of my life away.  How could this have happened? What kind of husband am I?

Her sisters were crying hard and Jake was already begging, pleading. One by one I had watch the machines shut off, the heart machine was still going on as they had removed the breathing tube from her only for the heart machine to flat line. It was like all my lungs had caved in and my heart was slowly dying along with hers.

That is when I knew my wife is gone.

"Fuck this."  I wasn't going to loose her, I didn't want to loose her. "Amelia baby." I was practically screaming, willing for her to wake up. My hands on her clothes trying to get her to sit up only for the doctors to pull me back, "Don't leave me!" Never in my life had a thrown a tantrum.

"Mommy, please don't leave me."  Jake threw his body over Amelia crying into her chest, "I love you mommy."  It was only for a split second that she had stop breathing and her heart had stop beating when a loud beep was sounded. Maybe my ears was playing tricks but it was like everything, every sound was wiped away except for that beeping.

"I love you too."  A small cough was heard and a hand rubbed Jake's back.

All tears wiped away from existence.  "Mom!"

"I can't breathe."  Her voice was raspy but I didn't care.  I don't know how but she was here.  And I wanted to throw Jake off of her so I can feel her in my arms.  Instead I engulf both of them. 


"You're squeezing me."  The doctors look shock but I was just glad and happy.  Only Amelia can pull such a miracle.

"Lia!"  Both sister's screamed, all giving her hugs. 

"Get off of her, I don't want her to stop breathing again." I yelled. Edward and Chris had to pry the sisters off of her.

"Mrs. Santi?"  One of the male doctors looked at her not believing that she was alive, breathing on her own.  "This is a miracle itself."

"Not that I'm glad she is awake doctor but how?" Emily asked.

"There are some cases rare cases but they do happened when for a slight moment after being removed from life support that the patient might breathe on their own."  He had a no real explanation on to how.

The doctors were taking their sweet time checking her vitals while we were all waiting in the waiting room. Already I wanted to go back in there hoping this was real.

"I heard she woke up."  Noel stopped by.  And I couldn't help but smile.  Was I dreaming still?Because if I was this is some cruel sick joke.

"She may have one visitor at a time."  The doctor had finally finished.

"Go Leo."  Jake nodded. I knew he too was itching to see his mom but he had let me all traces of his tears were gone and was replaced by a widen grin.

Catch Me if You CanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora