Man vs Boys

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I never thought I would ever meet her.  At first I thought she was some wild child.  Someone whose mouth seem to run on its own.  Spunky even.  Hell I thought she was the newbie's older sister. 

Especially when he called her Lia.  I never understood their relationship until I hung out with him and her.  Mother and son.  It was unique.   They way Jake was close to his mother and how they seem more like best friends than anything.  But she is able to separate the two.  She can be his mother when Jake needed discipline or his best friend when he needed just someone to talk too.

Usually I never gotten along with any of my friends parents.  I was the guy you never want to bring home.  But she didn't judge nor did she interrogate me like most parents does.  All she cared was that her son made friends.  And I can see why.  Jake was nice, too nice that sometimes he lets others just walk all over him.  It is not that he is just nice, he is just afraid of physically or mentally hurting someone.  I take it he got that from his mother I think.

At first it was weird but now I envy their relationship.  With my parents it was always do good in school, get into a high college and get a good career.  Everything with them is base on social standards.

But with Amelia, she was different.  Granted she is thirty years old but she acts like she is still in high school.

Jake had described his mom as a cool mom, laid back even.  He often tells me his mom always wanted to be one of those that his friends can come too.  Not those stereotype mom's or those mom who doesn't know how to have fun.

He also said both of them, he invites her to go to parties together with the idea of her being his older sister which I thought was funny.

She hates being known as someone who just hit her thirties. Not that I blame her though but they way she dresses was simple.  Jeans, sometimes tang tops and dresses.  Whatever she wears, she doesn't even look her age.

I wanted to ask Jake more about his mother but I didn't want to seem I was interested in her which I can't be because I already have a girl friend, Sasha.  Sasha and I have been friends since our diaper days and we both know each other inside and out. I did have a crush on her when I was younger in hopes it would develop. Sure I love her but was I in love with her? I don't even know.

Sometimes she can get over protective and a bit the jealous of hanging out with other girls.  Sure I was known as someone who is willing to have sex with just about anyone.  Well that is the rumors but only when I'm deathly drunk and believe me, it takes a lot to get me very drunk.  Other than that it was harmful flirtations.  She did catch me on multiple occasions with me engaging sexually relationship with other girls but she just scared and threatened them away.  I thought the reason she was acting out is because she just didn't have any friends but just last year we decided to date because she admitted her feelings for me.  Never in a million years have I thought about dating my child hood friend so I gave it a shot.  Big mistake because  our parents found it cute and thought it would be great to make her my fiance.  At the time I didn't mind.  She is after all my best friend but honestly speaking it felt wrong, sure I had feelings for her but she isn't who I pictured my life with.

And then when I met her, Jake's mom it is like falling hard for someone way out of my league.  She is just down to earth.  Everything a girl is supposed to be isn't.

I'm just glad Jake's father is out of the picture because I don't think I can handle it if she was still married.  Sometimes I just wish I was a bit older than her.

But perhaps she has thought about me?  Oh who am I kidding. I'm still in high school.  What she needs is a man who at least has a career so he can support her, take care of her and her son and who still doesn't live with their parents.

Just the thought of that made me want to punch something.  I can't imagine her being with anyone else.  Only for a short few days that I fell hard for her.  Maybe it is because I was tired of the same girls that I see.  Right now I just needed to get her out of my system because at the end of the day she is my friend's mom.

I had wondered however if she still talks to Jake's father.  I never did ask Jake.  Didn't want to pry into something should it make him upset.

And to think I had promise her to watch after Jake but after today I don't think she would trust me.

I let her son get beaten up by that boy. Thank goodness he is suspended otherwise I'd have broken both his arms.

Instead I was fucking Sasha.  And what is worse out of all the people to catch me was her.  Never in my life have I felt embarrassed.  I would like to blame Sasha for getting me in this situation unfortunately it was my idea.  I thought having Sasha would get me to think not about her.  Didn't work out that way because her face is all that I see.

But Amelia didn't look faze by it.  In fact she had turned away from me.  Of course she would.  Her son was in the dean's office all bruised. 

Even though Jake is my friend, I felt the need to be there for him like an older brother.  Maybe teach him a thing or two about how the male dominance works.  We could do things together like go to the gym.  He is just too skinny for someone who is a black belt.  What he needs is to put some muscles in him and get him to come out of that shy boy exterior. 

He is only fourteen, an eight grader being thrown into a tank full of sharks.  And Tim, once he comes back to school I will do some amount of damage.  I don't care if I get in trouble, hell I'm graduating this year.

Just the thought though, I won't be able to watch him but I'll have Pete and Noel do that in my stead.

And when the time comes, I hope she is prepared.  Though she probably sees me as her son's friend, a boy in her eyes, I'll show her that I am anything but.  She will see that I can be a man in her eyes.  Oh Amelia better be prepared for what I am about to offer her.

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