Mr. and Mrs. Santi

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"Oh my god she is so cute.  Don't you just want to eat her up."  Tina squealed while Nessa laid in her bassinet down stairs. 

"Mommy, mommy.  Can I hold the baby?" Mia jumped excitedly.

"Mia, you are still young..."

"I'm ten mommy.  Not a baby."

"True but Nessa is still small and very fragile."  Shaking my head, Tina has been here since Leo and I brought Nessa home.

"I think it is time for a change."  Leo stood up glaring at Tina who come to visit us unannounced with nothing on but his boxers.  I'm used to it but damn I always get hot just seeing him.

Holding a burp cloth over his shoulder Leo attempted to pry Nessa out of Tina's hold unfortunately she refused to give Nessa to him.

"Tina, it is her daughter."

"Don't remind me.  How can anyone produce such a cute child from that."  She spat while handing Nessa over to Leo.

"Why are you here any way?" Leo annoyingly asked.  At first he tried to get into her good graces but the more she is here, the more irritated Leo has gotten.

"This is my sister's home and..."

"Tina!"  I yelled.

"Look Lia why don't you come back live with me that way you will have me and Edward to watch over Nessa for you."

"I know you mean well sis but this is too much.  Like it or not, Leo is the father and I will not have you degrade him in front of me."

Rolling her eyes, "Fine." Until she turned towards Leo who was changing Nessa's diaper, "Why are you here?  Aren't you suppose to be in school?"

"I took the day off."

"Oh look Lia, you have not two but three children to take care off."

Giving my sister a hard glare warning to backed off.  "Tina..."

"Okay.  Well I'm heading out.  Leo you better take care of my niece."  Taking Mia she had finally left.

"Finally."  Leo had put Nessa back in her bassinet as he wrapped his big strong arms around me.  "I thought she'd never leave."

I laughed.  Tina may not have said it but I could tell she is warming up to Leo despite how she feels about him.

"Yea Leo why aren't you in school?"  School has started a couple days after we had brought Nessa home from the hospital.  And it was college for him.  As for Jake I didn't have to take him to school or pick him up or he didn't have to take the bus, Leo had offered to drive him which I'm glad.

"I didn't want to leave you alone with her."  He scowled at the thought.  Emily however would have come too but she lives an hour away.

"Are you ready for this Saturday?"  He beamed.

"Hmm...This Saturday?" 

"Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Remind me, what is happening this Saturday?"  I asked innocently just as Nessa wailed.  "Someone is hungry."  Picking her up, and sitting on the couch, I popped open a boob so she can feed.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing that.  When will it be my turn."  Leo licked his lips looking hungry at that.

Laughing, "Anytime you want baby."

"So Saturday?"  Leo pouted while sitting next to me.  His hard pecks still out for show.  Damn it all to hell.  I must have done something good to deserve to see such sight.

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