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He was angry and I know that. He had a right to be angry after all. It was not my intention. This was not my intention and right now I am stuck.

I thought it could just be how it was before. Before everything had hit the fan. So trying to act like we were the best of buds weren't working because he was angry at me. I didn't care. I was hell bent on working on our friendship. Unfortunately I couldn't concentrate. And this has been going on for months. But I continued to try to have at least a conversation with Jake. Even during lunch when I would sit with him only for him to get up and leave. I never thought I would be rejected by a friend. And when he said I was no longer his friend, I admit that hurt. In the past when others didn't want anything to deal with me I said fuck it, fuck them. But it was different for Jake. I liked him honestly.

Sasha though didn't make it any easier. Wherever I went she was there. Until that one time, that one day I was pushing for Jake to talk to me but Sasha was making it worse when she continue to insult Amelia. And though Jake doesn't stick up for himself, he will for his mother. And it wasn't just Jake. It was all my friends. She was prodding for information and I wasn't going to let her otherwise. My friends knew, they all new so they just put up with Sasha hopefully to throw her in the wrong direction. However she had attack Jack and Amelia which was a big mistake because I know Jake would do anything to protect his mother.  And there was nothing I could do to defend the woman that I like.  I couldn't give Sasha clues but it was getting harder every day.  Hell my friends where getting annoyed with her insulting their moms too but they put up with her because of me.  So acting like it didn't matter how Sasha would attack all of my friend's mom, had to make it look real like I didn't care or at least less obvious.  It was just getting harder and harder to do so.  Though Sasha is my best friend but sometimes I wish she'd just disappear.

And it didn't help when Sasha kept on pressuring me into telling her, in the end I sort of laugh at what Sasha had said about Amelia. I didn't mean to but I was actually laughing at the situation and this had set Jake off when he had thrown a punch at me. Course I could have dodge it after all I had seen that punch coming but I didn't. I could have stop him from hitting me when I could easily over take him but I didn't. In the end I just let him and in result it ended up in the deans office.

When the dean had called both our parents Jake opt for an apology saying there is no need to call for his mom but it was policy.

And when Amelia had walked through that door I wanted nothing more than to embrace her. She was and still is the most beautiful person to see.

My parents however was hell bent on getting Jake expelled but I wouldn't let it happen. Taking the blame didn't work though however we just got detention.

When my mom had slapped her I wanted to slap my mom back for even touching her and just as they were about to leave I followed making sure I was alone only for Jake to block my path. This time I wasn't going to let him. This time I was going to feel her that is until she was now pressed against me and feeling her was more that what I was use to feeling as I ripped the jacket off of her.

To say I was shock was an understatement. Her belly was big and I'm sure it wasn't from eating those cakes. But I knew at that moment she was pregnant. My woman was pregnant and she didn't tell me. Her or Jake. A feeling of anger, sadness and regret had consumed me.

I wish I could blame her or Jake or even myself. I should blame myself but I can't and it is all because of the fucking dip shit that I wasn't there like I was suppose to be, taking care of her and Jake.

There was a time parties like these had excited me but now I want nothing more that to drop everything and spend Christmas with Amelia, Jake and their family. Sure her other sister doesn't agree with me but there are ways to change her mind. I could be manipulative when I want to be. And then there is her youngest one who seemed okay. But her daughter Elizabeth is another story. Still they seem like a family I'd like to be a part of.

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