Angel's wing

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"I can't believe you are making me do this. You are old enough to go alone.  I'll drop you off then pick you up."

"But mommy, look you are almost done." Jake was too busy taking pictures of us while I was missing out on the candies, the free candies. As you can see I have a sweet tooth. I think I have put on a few pounds but who the hell cares right. You only live once.

"You do know you are old enough to not want your mom any more. Aren't you embarrassed to be seen by me?"

He looked at me dumb founded, "I will never be too old to want my mom."

"I'm getting old and I want you to be independent for a change."

"Non sense mother. You promise to live till you are one hundred years old." His eyes had darkened.

"You were a little boy..."

"Are you telling me you lied to me." I didn't know what is worse, the fact that Jake looks serious or the fact he remembers what I said to him when he was five. "Besides you look pretty."

I turned to look at my full body mirror, with Jake hugging me from behind, "I have the prettiest mom ever." He squealed.

"All right. I guess no free candies for me tonight."

"You mean I saved you from diabetes.  Thought you were on a diet."

"Phtt, what diet.  Sure I'm on a sugar diet."  I laughed.

Making out way to the car, "This thing is making my head itchy. How the hell can people wear this stuff. And the laces is giving me a skin rash."

"Mom, it's just for one night."

"Will he be there?" Though I knew the answers I just had to ask.

"Of course but don't worry that's why you have this. With it on I can't even recognized you."

"Are you sure? I mean even I can tell if its me."

"Well duh."

When I had picked out my costume I knew for a fact Jake will asked me to go with him to this party. He always asks me. Not that I am pleased and happy he wants me involved but I have been trying to avoid a certain someone and so far I have been doing a good job.

In the end I had to make sure my face was covered along with this full body make up. In all honesty I didn't know who was looking at me when I looked in the mirror.

"We are going to only stay there for an hour or two before leaving okay."

"Yes mom I know."

Arriving at the party, there were Halloween decorations every where. Mummies, zombies and I think from where we are I could see a haunted house filled with screams.

I must say Jake's friend out did himself.

"Come on." Jake eagerly pulled my hand.

"You go first, gotta make sure my hair is on straight." Watching Jake leave I took one big deep breath hoping I would go unnoticed.

Waiting for a few seconds I entered the home. I must say everyone here is well dress. The music was eerily playing as some costume had freaked me out a bit. Especially that one carrying a chain saw and wearing a hockey mask. Jason, I thought from Friday the 13. I always hated that movie, that and Freddie Kruger who was just a few feet away.

Looking around, I frantically scanned for Jake. I know I had promised him a few hours but already I wanted to leave. Being by myself though it was noisy was still scary for me.

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