Bullies & GF

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In the early morning, I spent the rest of the night washing all of their uniforms. Going to Damien Memorial High school is quite expensive. At first I was worried I wouldn't be able to get Jake into such a school but with the help of financial aids and scholar ship, he was able to get in. Assuming he keeps his grades up.

Jake has always been smart ever since he was a little boy and always partake in extra curricular activities. Not only was he in soccer, karate, he did a robotics club and got entered in the spelling Bee course he didn't win but at least he was in.

Aside from that, through out his childhood we were able to travel around during school holidays of course. The one place I had always wanted to go was Paris but we just stayed in these fifty states.

"Mom, what are you doing up?" Jake yawned sleepily.

"What does it look like?" I glanced over at the boys then their uniforms, "Didn't you tell me they all went home?" It's like the sleep vanish from his eyes once he caught the aura I was giving out. I was angry. As much as they are all nice boys to begin with, they can't be having sleep overs at my house especially when I don't even know their parents. I don't want to deal with angry parents.

"I know what you're thinking, but Leo..."

"Leo! Jake, you are suppose to bid them a farewell and see them at school not throw yourself a slumber party."

"I know, but Leo..."


"Did someone call my name?" Speak of the devil as he stood in the door way with nothing on but his boxers.  And if I was younger I would be drooling over his hard physics.  Damn, where were those types of boys when I was growing up.  As I remember the boys in my days were to busy either playing video games or drinking.  Just plain lazy to even go to the gym. But here was this teen in all his glory.  He smirked as my eyes roamed his entire body making me blush only for me to turn my head away.

At this point I couldn't say anything anymore. "Wake up your friends, get dress and eat breakfast."

Leo spotted all the school uniforms, washed, dried, and ironed, "You washed our clothes! And ironed them! You didn't have too."

"I wasn't going to let all of you wear your clothes that is covered in body odor." Leo only smiled before picking up all the clothes and kicking his friends awake.

After dressing and eating I watch them leave. Jake rode with them in their car which I am grateful I didn't have to take him. Saves me on gas.

As I was cleaning my phone rang, "Lia." The voice shrieked on the other line.

"Emily." I smiled missing the sound of my younger sister's voice. Emily, she was the youngest one out of three girls, me being the oldest.

"Lia." She sniffled.

"Ems, what's wrong?" Usually she doesn't cry when ever a problem occurs. She was the strong one but something must be upsetting her if she is calling me.

"It's Chris, I think he is cheating on me." Chris, my brother in law same age as Emily. Both have two children and as far as I know Chris loves his wife. So it is hard to believe he cheated on her.

"Ems, I don't think Chris would cheat on you. He loves you." Another sniffle was heard, "Are you crying?"

Laughter soon erupted on the other line, "Crying. Oh come on Lia. I would never cry for that bastard."


"It's just we have been arguing a lot lately and I think it is starting to affect Craig and Elizabeth." Her two kids. Elizabeth is twelve whereas Craig is only ten.

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