Summer End Bash

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"Are you sure your mother agreed to it?"  I warily cocked my eye brows.  It was rare for Jake to ask me if he could go to a get together and not go to Amelia first.

But here he is stumbling on his own words.  "Well I was hoping you could ask her for me?"

"Jake."  I lowly growled.  Summer was almost over and Nora, and some from school are throwing a Summer End Bash to which we were both invited.  I was not planning on going because Amelia should be due soon and I didn't want to be far away from her should anything happen.  "You do know your mom will be due sue?"

"Ah yeah, it will just be for a few hours..."

"Who invited you?"  This Summer End Bash are usually for the older kids and Jake is only fifteen so this is rare too.

"Nora."  Of course she did.  She has been trying to get Jake from the moment she laid her eyes on him. 

"Do you have a thing for her?"  I crossed my arms making my chest puff out.

"No, but I love going to parties.  Normally I would ask mom to go with me but as you said she could go into labor any minute."

At least he still thinks about his mom.

"Fine, but I'm going with you."

"What?  But who is going to stay with mom?"

"We are only going to stay for an hour." 

Jake sighed in relief, "I can do that because I don't want to leave mom by herself."

"Jake, I may not be your mom but her rules still stands.  No drinking..."

"Hate the stuff."  Jake interrupted.

"No smoking..."

"Hate the smell..."

"No any kind of sexual...."

"Mom would kill me."  Good I thought.  You and me both.

"What are you boys doing?"  Amelia walked into the door smiling.  She was glowing and very happy.  We both are.

"Amelia."  I called.  "Jake and I were invited to a Summer End Bash..."

"And you are asking my permission?  Leo when have I ever not let you go and for you Jake, since when did you let someone ask for you?"

"Well the thing is mom, I thought you wouldn't let me go because you can't go."

"And who says I can't.  I'll just grab a coat..."

"You can't babe.  There will be a lot of smoking, and drinking and..."

"Girls?"  She finishes.

"Yes but I don't want any girls, I want you."  I smiled.

"Eww, okay so can I go?"

"And you are going as well Leo?"  I nodded my head.

"Only for one hour though."

"An hour.  Oh come on boys, what can you do for an hour.  Why not a few more.  Besides I trust you both."

"There is actually a lot you can do in an hour it's just I don't want to be away from you too long."  I can't bare to be away from her even as we speak.

"You can go Jake as long as you answer when I text or call and Leo, you will be watching Jake?"

"Of course."

Jake was excited, as for me I could care less.  I have been to a lot of parties and I have done and seen everything.  What worries me is that this will be Jake's first Bash party.  And I know what goes on in these types of parties.  Kids acting stupid. 

A few hours later Jake and I had gotten dress. "Wow look at my boys very handsome."

"Babe as much as I don't mind calling me yours, to you I'm your man."

"Always will be."  Kissing her on the forehead.

"Bye mom, we will be back."  Jake kiss his mom on the cheeks.

Driving on the road, this Summer Bash was held down town.  It would just be not our schools but there are other schools there as well.

"Jake, stick close to me okay and never do anything your mom wouldn't like."

"Yes dad."  He sarcastically sighed.  "Nope still can't get used to it."


"Leo, Jake you made it."  A drunk Peter  handed both of us a drink.

"Just me Peter."  Shrugging his shoulders I took both drinks.  This place was loud and filled with smoke, sweat and probably sex but it was too dark to see.  "Where are the others?"

Peter pointed as we made our way towards the back only to be greeted by everyone.

"Jake you came."  Nora came hugging him but only for Jake to push her away.

"I just came to have fun."

"And we will."  Nora yanked on his arm.

"Jake."  I barked, warning him.

"Relax I'm just going to sit down."

Minutes into this party I made sure not to get overly drunk.  I was driving home.  And I promised Amelia I wouldn't let no harm come to Jake.  Though I was here talking to some of the guys and girls my eyes never left Jake as Nora tried to get him to drink.  In the end Jake just sat there eating the deserts.

"Leo."  My attention turned towards a very heavily intoxicated Sasha.  "I miss you."  She slurred leaning into me.

"Sasha.  Are you okay?"  She was wobbling too and fro. 

"I don't feel good."

"Maybe you should go home."

Pouting, "Can you take me home please."

"Sasha I can't.  I'm with Jake and your home is hours away from here."  I would know this seeing she lives around my neighborhood.

"Why are you with Jake a lot these days? Is there something going on between you too?"  She looked at me observing my expression which I gave her none, "besides someone can take him home."

"Dude just take her home before she embarrass herself."  John nudged me while handing me a drink.

"Nah I'm good."

"Awe come on man, Summer is almost over.  And you only had one beer."  He placed a bottle in front of me. 

"Yea Leo."  Sasha pushed the bottle in front of me.  I get the feeling both of them wanted me drunk.

"Fine just one."  And I meant it, until that one had turned into two, then three and soon I had ten bottles of whatever I was drinking.  Fuck.  Sasha kept giving me bottle after bottle.

"That is more I like it Leo."  Sasha began to grind on me and I had let her.  It did feel good to unwind just for a split second.  It has been a while since I began to feel as I did before I met her.

"So tell me," Sasha started, "Are you still seeing that old hag?  Aren't you tired of wrinkly old pussy." 

Keeping my mouth shut she continued, "Come with me baby and I'll show you what you are missing."  She kissed my collar bone.  At my drunken state it felt good to be honest.  "You know you can't resist me."  She kept on giving me kisses next on my Adam's apple, "So tell me who is she that is just keeping this dick warm?" 

"What time is it?"  I knew I was forgetting something or maybe someone. 

"This here bad boy is wanting to be set free."  Ignoring me, I felt her hand cup my now erect hard on that us until I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Leo, I think we should go home now."  Jake how could I forget but my body stilled when Sasha was giving him the death glare.

Instead I didn't pay no mind attention to him, and in the end I had dismiss him.  If I had known this would make me loose everything, I would have left with him the moment he tap my shoulder.

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