Unexpected Visitor

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Rocking Nessa in my arms while never taking my eyes off Amelia who was quietly observing herself half naked in front of the mirror.  "What are you doing?"

"I'm fat."  She sulked pinching her stomach.

"Love you are not fat.  Who told you, you are fat?"

"The mirror.  And these stretch marks...."

"Are proof that you have brought two wonderful people into our lives." 

Taking a seat on the bed, I sat with her with a sleeping baby.  "Amazing you can put her down that easy."

"Whoever said being a dad is hard is a liar.  This dad stuff is easy."  I smiled.  It was finally the weekend and I get to spend my whole day with my family.  "I want two more?"  I blurted.

"Are you planning on finding someone else to be a mother for your other kids because I'm sure it can't be me."

"Love, you're the only one who I want to be the mother of my children."

"Children as in more than one?"

"I said, I want two more, one more girl and another boy."

"We have Jake."

"As I know he wanted a brother." I chuckled at her dumbfounded expression.

"Two more eh. I'll be fifty when they all start high school."

"True but you will be the hottest and sexiest fifty year old woman ever."  Apparently my words had put a damper on her face.  I don't think she will even look that age when the time comes honestly speaking.  "Love you are sexy now, you will be sexy in twenty years and you will still be sexy in my eyes."  Kissing her temples, Nessa stirred in my arms smiling in her sleep.

"My dad had said if a baby smiles in their sleep that means their guardian angel is playing with them."

That sounds like a nice concept.  "Your dad.  I never asked but how..."

"Did they pass? Last year right after the holidays, in early February," She frowned, "Mom died of a heart attacked."  Her voice waned reliving the memory.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too."

"No its okay.  Mom and I had an argument.  It was petty now that I think about it.  I don't even remember what we argued about."  Her body shook as I pulled her closer to me resting my chin on top of her head.

"Dad really love mom.  A few months after mom's death, dad followed her.  His heath deteriorated fast.  I blamed myself."

"Love it is not your fault."

"But if I didn't, then maybe..."

"Shh." I cooed."

"Jake was close with his grandpa.  I guess that is why he wanted so bad to have another male figure in this house hold."

"I may not be his dad, but I'll take care of him for you, for us." 

"So how's school?"  She wiped her tears changing the subject.

"School is school.  We have a project and we were put in groups of four."

I hated it because it would mean I would have to spend less time with my family.

"I may have to meet up with them sometime."

"Why not come here?"

"I don't think that is a good idea."  I was suppose to go meet them yesterday but I had reschedule that idea.


"Because one of my group member is a female."

"So.  This is for school."  My face fell.  Something in me wanted her to get jealous just a bit at the mention of another girl.

"She wanted us to go over her house..."

"Leo I trust you.  Invite them over.  I'll make snacks and order pizza."


"Are you worried about him.  Love, this is for school.  It's not like you are going to fuck in front of him."  I laughed nervously. 

"No of course not."

"By the way where is Jake?"  She asked.

"Down stairs studying.  He has a test coming up.  I offered to help but he quote I'll just distract him."  She looked at me with a pleasant smile.  "Get dress and come down stairs.  We'll go out to eat."

"Go out.  I can cook."

"I know but I want to take you out on a date with our kids."

"Our kids.  I like the sound of that."  Going down stairs, I know I should put Nessa down but I don't want to.

"How's it going Jake?"  He looked at me frustrated.  "Never mind I ask."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.  "Are you expecting anyone?"

"No."  Going to answer the door I opened it to find two people just gawking at the windows.  A man and a younger boy probably his son.  The man here was a bit chubby and a little shorter than me.

"Who are you?"  The man glared at me before glaring back at Nessa.

I don't even know who he is and already he is pissing me off.  "This is my home.  You knocked on my door.  You tell me, who the hell are you?"

He look shock by my response.  And his son look frightened by me.

"Leo whose at the door."  Jake pulled next to me and froze.  Making me wonder who these people are.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"  Jake snarled.

"Jake.  My you have grown."

"You don't belong here."  Once again Jake replied.

"Jake who are they?"  I asked.

"My dad."  His dad?  I glanced back at Jake and him.  I guess I could see the resemblance.

"You must be Daniel." 

He however didn't greet me back.  No, he was too busy shock to see a man here in the home of his ex-wife.  "And you are?"

"Leo Santi, Amelia's husband."  Shock plastered on his face.

"Husband?  She remarried?"  The next thing took me by surprise as Daniel grabbed hold of his son forcing himself inside, "Amelia!" He yelled.

"Daniel."  Amelia called walking down the stairs.  "What are you doing here?" 

Ignoring her question he marched up to her, "You remarried?"  His voice lace with sadness.  Just as he was about to reach for her, Jake pulled her behind him.  Good thing because if I wasn't holding Nessa I'd throw him out the door along with his son.

"Yes and I don't see how it is any of your business...."

"What are you doing here in my home."  I roared not liking that her ex was just a few feet away from her.

"I came to ask if Ran and I could stay here for a few days."

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