Soccer Game

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Cheers erupted from the stand as I sat by the bench waving my arms around, "Go Jake!"  I shouted.  The sun hadn't set yet but the wind had picked up.  Good thing too because it was damn hot.

"You know Ms. Davis..." The coach next to me said.

"Lia."  I interrupted.  "None of this Ms. Davis.  Lia is fine."

"Lia."  He turned to me smiling, "Jake isn't bad."  He complimented.

"Of course he is not.  He has been playing since he was five." I should know I trained him. Being a single mom I also had to be a dad to him.

"I want to apologize for how I treated Jake.  He did very well at practice just he is not very aggressive."  As much as I wish it was not true, it is.  Jake was never aggressive to begin with.  "In fact the boys on the team all help each other."

The boys were tired and no goals were scored yet.  The other team, the blue Jays from Saint Joseph Catholic School didn't make it any easier for us.

Our boys, the monarch were good but so was the other team.

Looking up my eyes had met his. He was crouch down until he stood straight back up walking this way.

"Leo, what the hell are you doing? Get back in the game and take center field."

"Alex play for me." Leo grabbed a towel and began wiping his face.

"Who the hell says for you to switch."

"I did coach." Leo glanced my way, "Ash will take center field." He breathed not once taking his eyes off of me.

It hadn't been second quarter and yet here he is standing next to me as if he needed a break.

Grabbing a water bottle I focused on the part he greedily hydrated himself. His Adam apple bobbing up and down only for him to meet my eyes. When that happened, instantly I turned away towards the game hoping he didn't catch me staring.

"Ms. Davis..." His voice is just as sexy as it always been. Wait..what?

"It's Lia for the time being." I replied not once taking my eyes off Jake.

"Come on Jake, focus!" Jake usually does good in practice but when it comes to games it is like everything he knows goes straight out the window.

"Lia," I felt a slight tingle when he had lightly touch me. It almost traveled up my spine making me shiver.

"Shouldn't you be out there?"

"They can make it one quarter without me besides I needed a rest."

"A rest," I warily tilted my head, "First quarter is not even over and..."

"Babe." I was shoved aside only for miss preppy to jump towards Leo as he had caught her in mid air.

"Sasha what are you doing here?" He glanced at me before glancing at her.

I didn't care, I couldn't care.

"I came to see you and wish you luck." I tried not to pay any attention towards the couple but it was hard to do when they both were standing next to me.

"Jake tie your shoes!" This boy. I swear he still has me tying his shoes for him.

Quickly walking off field Jake placed his foot on the bench. The coach only shook his head and as for Leo he was once again alone. I guess miss preppy went back to cheering.

"Please." I watch Jake pout.

"Seriously Jake, up till now I'm still tying your shoes." Rolling my eyes, Leo chuckled next to me. "Now go back out there and be aggressive. Don't be afraid of the ball bud." Smiling he happily ran towards the field. "Jake remember what I said and go for the ball!" I held up a fist.

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