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When I found out my mom was pregnant I was ecstatic. Finally a little brother or sister though I hope it is a brother.  Girls can be annoying.  I should know having Elizabeth and Mia as your cousins.  Not that I don't love them, I do its just I think it would be cool to have a brother around the house.

I always wanted a sibling though mom told me I have one from my dad, I wanted one from her. As for my other half brother I have never met him and hopefully I never will. I could care less and for his wife, I had seen a picture of her and she looks like a wanna be hooker.  My grandma and I would laugh about dad's choice in women.  Mom was an exception and is much better looking than her. I don't know why dad had left her all those years ago. For the first few years after mom told me about dad, I honestly thought it was my fault. But mom reassured me that it wasn't. That mom and dad just never got a long.

Now I could care less about him. He hurt mom and I promise myself no one else will hurt her until this past holidays.

Leo had promise to celebrate his birthday with us but he didn't show. We even had a good birthday present for him and he didn't show. I was going to have a father figure or at least a male figure, he didn't show.

Not even a single phone call to know if he is dead or alive. Even during New Years he not once paid a visit. You would think to someone who claims to love my mom he would at least show it.

Though mom may not show it, she was moping around but kept a smile on her face. I knew she was hurting. She felt rejected once again and there was nothing I could do to help that.

Come school tomorrow I'm going to rub everything in his face. I had given him my blessing to date my mom despite the age difference but now I'll make sure he stays away. But not before letting him know he has a child on the way. I think he does deserve to know. Mom has been a single parent all her life and she was great at it. But I wanted her not to have to do it alone course she has me, she will always have me but it would be nice to have at least a father in the picture.

"Jake, let's go." Mom entered the car as I did too and we were now on the road to school. I can't wait till I turn sixteen so I could get my license and mom doesn't have to drive anymore. In a couple more weeks in January I'll be fifteen meaning I have one more year left before I turn sixteen. "You got everything?"

"Yes mom." Giving her a kiss on the cheek I made my way to the school grounds to be greeted by the same people and with Leo's birthday gift in my back pack of the pregnancy test along with his Christmas gift.  I already gave the others their gift when they had visited us the following day after Christmas.

The bell hasn't rung yet so I still have time.

"John," I called, his arms wrapped around another girl.

"Jake. Long time no see." He panted.

"Have you seen Leo?" I wasted no time asking.

"How are you John, how was your holidays? Good, good thank you and..."

"I get it. How was your holiday John?" I laughed.

"Everything is fine. And Leo, I saw him with Sasha at the gym."

Sasha! Is he still with Sasha? "We should go congratulate him."

Congratulate him on what? My heart was beating fast like it was the news that would break me or worse my mom's heart.

Quickly we made our way as the students began to pile up. Some even coming from the gym baring smiles on their faces. What is going on?

Hearing a few voices one being Leo's I took the box out of my back pack and held it. "Dude what is that?" John asked.

"A gift." As I rounded the corner I came face to face with Leo, Sasha's arm linked in his as he had looked away before looking at me.

"What is going on?" I eyed them up and down.

"Dude, congrats man." John and the girl next to him beamed.

"Congrats?" I repeated.

"Oh," Sasha held out her hand waving it at me, "Didn't you hear the news. We are officially engage." Her finger shining in front of my eyes, a finger that held an engagement ring.

My eyes grew red as I glared at Leo who refuse to make eye contact with me. The box I was now holding was being crush in my hands.

"Jake." Leo choked out my name but I was too disgusted by him to even give him the time of day. How dare he play with my mom's feelings. I thought he would be the one but I thought wrong. Now he would never know. I'd make sure he'd stay away. He is not allowed any where near mom and I'll be damn if I let him charm his way back in.

Turning my back around I rushed out the door only to be stopped by Leo, "Leo." My voice was cold and harsh.

"Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

"Congratulation." I spat.

"What is wrong with you?" The nerve of this boy. What is wrong with me?

"What about mom?"  I glared at Sasha making her way towards us.

"What about her?"

"You are seriously asking me that. You just told me you would leave Sasha for my mom and now..."

"I never said that. I said I will handle her."

My teeth now gritted, "So you think you can fuck my mom and just leave her high and dry..." my voice now raised.

"Jake shut the fuck up." Leo snarled before I can even finish the sentence.

I was taken back by this new Leo. Sure I knew he can come off as a prick sometimes but he was nice to me. Looking down he notice that box I was holding, "What is that?"

Throwing the box back in my bag, "You will never know." I growled as I turned to leave but not before having the last word, "Stay the fuck away from my mom."

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