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Floor mop, check.  Laundry done check.  Really six loads of laundry for only just the two of us.  Sometimes I think Jake has more than one body. And doing his laundry is like his hamper had threw up. Aye that boy how many times have I also told him to put his socks in the laundry basket I swear I gave birth to a snake just shedding his skin once he comes home. If it wasn't for me we'd b living in a pig sty.

Leaving the shower, I dried myself up before putting on some under garments.  It is only a few more hours until Jake gets home from school.  Seeing that he is only fourteen, he takes the charter bus which is damn expensive.  I can't wait till he gets his licensed.  At least I could save up.

Looking myself at the mirror, I caressed my belly, god I'm fat.  After giving birth to Jake I don't think my stomach has ever gone back to the way it was.  And that was years ago. Well I'm not really fat but to the naked eye, I could see it.  Those damn broads on magazine always showing how skinny they are.


I yelped as Jake entered my room unannounced, "Holy shit.  You scared the hell out of me."

"Sorry."  He walked in and plopped himself on my bed.

"What are you doing home early?  It's only three."

"Some of the guys are here and we all car pooled."

"I see."  I looked at him looking at me.  "Mom why did you want me to call you Lia in school?"

"I thought you would be embarrassed to see your mom in school." I was a kid once. So I know how embarrassing it is for your parents to show up in your school. I never had this problem when he was in elementary school. All his friends thought I was the cool mom.

"So you dressed like a wannabe teenager."

"Boy don't call your mom a wannabe.  Besides it's okay to call me Lia at school only.  Mom makes me feel old there unless otherwise." I chuckled.  When he was young I promised myself, I will be the cool mom, the understanding mom the chill mom and still the responsible mom and I intend to be just that. "Bud, do you think mommy's fat?"  He gazed me up and down.

"If you are fat, than I'm a whale."  He joked.

"Awe your sweet, how did I get to have a sweet son like you.  Now tell me before I go down stairs and make nice, why the hell did you lie about yesterday?"  I asked referring to his friend Nora.

"Sorry Mom, Nora was insisting on my coming over and when I said you would disapproved, she told me to say I was going elsewhere."

"Didn't I tell you not to get influence but others.  What did I teach you boy?"  I sighed.  "How can mommy be there for you if you get in trouble when you don't tell me everything."

"I'm sorry mommy."

"It's fine but don't do it again.  And get better friends."  He laid his head on my shoulders.  "Your friends down stairs?"

"They're good people and nice.  Four of them are here from soccer."  I cringed when he mentioned soccer.  Though those boys seemed nice, they seemed cocky too and a bit much. Back when I was in school, the boys didn't have the courage that these boys did.  "We are hungry, what's for dinner?"

"I'll buy something, now go down stairs while I finish getting dress."

"Kay."  Watching my son leave I proceeded to dry my hair and get dress before heading down stairs.

From the middle I could hear laughter and shouts as I made my way down stairs to find them playing video games on the PS4. 

I cleared my throat hoping they would hear me, instead their yells had gotten louder with each remote control.  Why the hell did I buy my son a PS4?  Going to the back of the TV I pulled out the plug only for each one to sulk and pout before all eyes turned towards me.

Each one with boring into mine.  I'm not normally good in crowds but to have your son's friends in your living room who take up half my living room isn't good for the heart.  My couch is only meant for me and Jake and yet only one can fit in that couch.  The rest were on the floor.

"Ms. Davis, one of them greeted."

I smiled warmly, "Jake I'm bad with names and can't remember all their names so..."

"Ah yes, this is Ash, he is seventeen and a senior,"  I remember him as he had cornered me before I made my hasty exit.  "Peter, he is only a junior," He too defended my son.  Anyone who defends my son is okay in my book.  "Leo, he is eighteen and a senior too," he winked and smiled at me causing me to roll my eyes.  "And Noel, he is also junior."

"Bud, not that I do not like your friends because I do but couldn't you make friends your age?"

"Why Ms. Davis, what's wrong with us? Not intimidated by us are you?" Leo smirked.

"Ha!"  I laughed at that.

"Awe Ms. Davis, why'd you go and turn the game off.   I was close to beating his ass."  Peter pouted.

"Close my ass.  The only way you will beat me is in my grave."  Noel joked.

"Okay, you are not able to play video games, Jake you know the rules."

"Yes mom."

His friends watch him pull out his books as did everyone else.  "That's right homework first. Set your priorites straight."

They were already talking among themselves about their school assignments as I made my way to the kitchen where my fridge was bare.  I knew I should have done some grocery shopping before I got home.  I guess I'll just order take out.

Turning around, I bumped into a wall.  A wall that seemed to move and breath.  "Oh, are you looking for something?"  My neck was already hurting from looking up.  Damn, Jake's friend's sure are tall.

"Water."  He croaked.

Grabbing a glass I filled it with water as he just stood there gawking at me while drinking.  Not once taking his eyes off of me.

"Does your friends want water too?"

He shook his head no.  Okay.  Taking the glass I began to wash it while he just stood there.  As I said, I like my son's friends but if he is just going to stand there watching me, I'd rather have him back out there.

I turned around only to bump into him again.  When did he get closer.  God he is making my palm sweat.  "Ms. Davis?"

Looking up at him I stared into his deep blue orbs, "Yes."

For a minute I felt my heart doing back flips at the close proximity he was at.  I gulped as he leaned down to my height, "We are hungry."  He stood back up making me sigh in relief as I watch him go back to his friends.

Why the hell did my heart just skipped.  It must be because I hadn't been this close to the opposite sex in a long time that all of Jake's friends are devilishly good looking.  Curse my luck to be born in the wrong generation.

After calming myself down I headed back out, "Okay, so Chinese food or pizza."


I smiled, "Pizza it is."

"Oh and Ms. Davis," I turned my attention towards him, "Thanks for the water." 

Smiling I nod my head, "It is no problem Leo."

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