Mr. Davis

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Thinking about what just happened made my blood boil.  Truth be told I have never had anyone reject me as bad as she did.  But that doesn't mean I'll give her up.

Amelia.  The sound of her name alone does something to me.  And I don't even know if that is a good thing or bad thing but I want to find out. 

I know it is wrong of me to want something that I can't have, or the fact I just want to hold her in my arms.  But for the first time, this wasn't about sex or the fact there is another blond, red head or brunette I'm willing to take to bed.  She was overall different and had just threw my life off coarse just by her presence.

"Dude."  I turned to Noel who skipped merrily towards me.  Who the hell skips?

"Yo."  I greeted back.

"Been awhile cousin."  Yes Noel is my cousin and we acted more like brothers.  Our father's are siblings.  "This weekend, let's hit the clubs.  Gotta find some new chicks."

"I don't think so man..." there is only one chick on my mind as of late if I could even call her a chick but she is more than just that.

"Dude, we haven't seen you at our usual hangout.  Peter is thinking you gone celibacy."

Lazily arching my brow, "Just been busy."

"Okay, whose the broad?"  Noel asked not believing I just turned down drinks and girls.  Unfortunately I don't want just any girl.

"Jake?"  Raising my eye brows at him he sped off briskly.  What the fuck?  That is until a certain jock decided to corner him.  Fucking bastard. 

Giving Noel a side glance, with big stride steps I was placing myself between him and Ryan Donald.  The captain of the basket ball team.  As I recall the one who made a pass at Amelia the night of the after party.

"What the fuck Santi?"  He gave me a sharp glare.

"Back off Donald."

Looking behind me, he grinned at Jake, "Just came to see if Davis here want to make a quick buck."  Jake had pulled around me looking confuse, "Got a paper due in two days and needed a report done.  With the grades that Jakey boy here is getting thought he could do it for me."

Turning to Jake I found him laughing.  "Did I say something funny."  Ryan snapped.

"Sorry bro but the answers no."  Standing tall Jake had answered with a straight face.  All laughter had died down.

"Come on man.  Don't be a pussy.  This paper is working sixty five percent on my report card."

"Then better hit the books." Jake sarcastically responded causing Ryan to flinched.

"Watch it."  I held out my hand as he stepped forward.

"Get the fuck out of the way Santi!"

"Ryan, I was taught never to do anyone's homework because that would be cheating."

"And who the hell taught you that, your mommy."  Ryan taunted gaining the attention of passerby.

What shock me more was the next response Jake replied, "As a matter of fact she did."  He spoke proudly.

Being the asshole that he is, Ryan turned to the on lookers, "Jake is a mommy's boy."  Soon laughter erupted from the halls.

"And what the hell is wrong with that?"  Noel threw an arm around Jake.

"Why are you all laughing.  At least I have a mom who I love and loves me back."  Jake retaliated.

Abruptly turning around Ryan seethed, "What the fuck did you just say?"  Ryan seethed, "Do my fucking homework momma's boy."

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