Third Degree Burns

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Who would have thought I'd be making breakfast.  In fact I don't think I ever picked up a pan in my life.  My mom mostly does the cooking at home.

But I had watched her many times how to cook.  So being me, I think having eggs and sausages would be easy.

Here I am in her kitchen while the woman upstairs probably is awe struck at the moment.

I knew she couldn't resist my charms even if I had taken advantage.  She could have tried hard to push me away but she didn't.  Even if she did, I wouldn't take no for an answer.

As always Noel had thrown the best parties.  Though I didn't stay to see how it ended, but in the end I left with a mission set and with her on my mind.

At this moment I felt like a school girl.  A horny school girl.  While I'm down here, she is upstairs trying to assess the situation.

"So it wasn't a dream?"  Hearing her voice I smiled while wearing one of her aprons.  Course it was snug on me and a little too tight.

"A dream?  I could be your dream." I grinned. Not one of my best lines but it should do for now.

"Um..." she proceeded to say until her mouth formed an O.  Coming around me, she grabbed the spatula and began to flip the sausages.  "It was burning."  Lowering the heat I watch her in front of the stove just cooking away.  Even though this was nothing fancy.  Is this how it feels to be married.  Watching your wife in the kitchen while she prepares you breakfast.  This feeling feels surreal. And with her I could picture the family I always dreamed off. Though I am engage to Sasha I never had this homey feeling, well not with her but with Amelia, I could get used to this.

Wrapping my arms around her while placing my chin on her head she hummed, she didn't even push me away.  "Jake, I have to pick up Jake."

"After we eat."  Scooping the sausage out on the plate, I helped prepare the table all the while she kept avoiding my eyes.  Not that in mattered, I knew exactly how she felt.

It was quiet during breakfast as I watch her flip her hair back countless times away from her face still trying to avoid me.  "Look at me."  I ordered.  Hesitantly she raised her eyes at me as I took a strip of her hair and tucked it behind her ears, "I want this."  This is what I want.  This feeling.  Coming home from a long day only to see the table with food she made.

Having her be the last to see at night and the first person to see when I wake up. 

"You want this?"  Taking a sausage on her plate she placed it on mine.

"No, not the sausage but this."  Cupping her hand in mine.

"Leo, you will get it, a wife but..."

"Not with you?"  I finished.

"You are a great young man and..."

"Don't finish that sentence."  I scowled at her, all smiles was wiped off my face.  She may not know it but hell, I'll be damn if I let this go, let her go.  I don't care if she runs away from me, I'll chase her if I have too.

"You have your whole life ahead of you and Jake.."

"What about him?"

"He might not..."

"Jake is smart and a good kid.  You raised him right."  I admitted.  "He loves you and I could see it.  Hell anyone could see it and all that boy wants is for his mom to be happy."  I breathed.  "Aren't you happy with me?"

A small smile played on her lips, "Honestly last night was the best night."  She confessed making her giggle.  "And I was happy truth be told.  No one has ever put a smile on my face only Jake but you just waltz into my life and...."

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