Thor/Avengers part 4

Start from the beginning

"You alright Y/N?" He asked softly as you scoffed.

"No, not at all." You hissed as you shook your head.

"S-Sorry." You mumbled as Bucky sat beside you.

"It's ok, look I know what it's like. Not having any memory but being called a monster for no reason. We will all work through this together." He said as you leant your head on his shoulder.

"I just want to remember." You mumbled as your eyes begin to glow and you stare off into the distance.

"Y/N?" Was the last thing you heard as you opened your eyes seeing fire and destruction everywhere.

"B-Bucky?" You said as you looked around but he was no where to be seen.

"You wanted to remember." A voice said as you looked around seeing a figure completely made out of light.

"W-Who are you?" You asked looking in fear.

"I'm your subconscious. And I'm here to show you you're missing memories." The figure said as you nodded and a bright light filled your vision then you saw another figure that looked like you standing on top of a mountain.

"Who is she?" You asked looking at her.

"Valheim, well you my dear." The light figure replied as your eyes widened. You walked up to the past you and looked at her noticed she was crying.

"The Asgardian's will pay." She hissed as she screamed and set of a large dark magical blast as you stumbled back. You watched as people gasped for air and ran away from you. You were killing without mercy and just laughing. A few tears fell from your eyes as you looked away.

"W-Why?" You whispered at the light figure stared at you.

"You were in pain. But that is not you anymore, you have paid for you sins and now you can live a normal happy life however you wish." She said as you looked up at her and were surrounded with light as you were transported somewhere else. You saw a small boy around five as you looked at his jet black hair.

"Is that Loki?" You asked.

"Yes." She replied simply as you looked at the small happy boy.

"He looks so happy, what happened?" You asked as you watched Loki play with a small stuffed animal.

"You happened." She muttered as you watched Loki's eyes glow dark as he screamed and cried.

"No! Stop, stop it!" You shouted but you couldn't do anything but watch.

"What am I doing to him!?" You shouted as the light figure watched.

"Corrupting his mind. It's sounds harsh but it is your fault he is the way he is." She said as you let a few tears fall.

"How do I fix this?" You asked helplessly as everything began fading away.

"It's up to you not me." Was the last thing she said before you opened your eyes to Bucky looking down at you. You pushed him away as you sat up gasping.

"Y/N it's ok." He said as he put his hand up.

"H-He's right..." You mumbled as Bucky looked at you.

"What do you mean Y/N?" Bucky asked as he slowly approached you and helped you up.

"Thor he's right about everything. I was Valheim, I was the one who corrupted Loki. H-He was just a child, a-and I did that to him." You said as you began sobbing uncontrollably.

"I-I promise I'm n-not that person anymore." You cried as Bucky wrapped his arms around you.

"You're saying everything Thor said is true?" He asked as you whimpered and nodded, clinging onto him.

"Y/N it's aright, just breath. Shhh it's ok." He whispered as he hugged you tightly. After a while you began to calm down as you looked up at him.

"W-Will you help me tell everyone?" You asked as Bucky smiled and nodded. You headed back in as Thor glared at you again.

"I have something I need t tell everyone." You muttered as they all looked at you.

"I passed out before and m-my memory returned. Thor is right, I am - was Valheim. I'm not that person anymore, what I did to Asgard and to Loki it's unforgivable. But you have to know I am so deeply sorry for what I did, I don't expect any of you to like me after this and I understand if you want me to leave." You mumbled as everyone stared at you.

"Y/N..." Steve said as you looked away from him.

"Welcome to the club kid." Tony said as you looked up at him in shock.

"You're now apart of the 'we all have fucked up pasts' club." Tony said as he smiled at you.

"Y-You don't want me gone?" You asked in shock as Steve came up to you.

"Just because you did something bad in your past doesn't mean you are bad now." He said as he put his hand on your shoulder.

"Thor?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"You're right, what you did was unforgivable. And I don't think I will ever forgive you, but I'm willing to try and understand. I promise I won't try to kill you anymore." He said with a sad smile as you smiled back.

"Thank you." 

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