Chapter 45

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Evie's POV:

"Gemma, I-I" I stutter.

"Well are you going to tell me? Is it one of the 5SOS boys or 1D boys?"

"Erm, 5SOS" I whisper, quietly.

"Is it either Calum or Luke?" She asks and I shake my head "So it's either Ashton or Michael?" She asks, and I nod my head "Well you might as well tell me now, Ashton or Michael?"

"Michael" I whisper, looking at the ground "Are you mad?"

"Michael? Why would I be mad at you for having a crush on Michael, I mean Niall and Michael are polar opposites, but I guess you are single so" Gemma shrugs "I would never had ever though you would ever take a liking on Michael Clifford"

"Please don't tell anyone"

"Well I need you to answer one last question" She says and I nod "Do you think your going to get back with Niall?"

"I don't know, honestly. Hopefully, in the future. Gemma I do love him, but I have strange feelings for Michael, he's there for me when I need someone"

She nods "I understand, your young. I better head off to the hotel, tell Harry I'll come back tomorrow before you guys leave, that's when you'll get your surprise" She smirks, and pulls me into a hug "I'll see you later"

I smile and watch her walk off, and then walk back into the tour bus, I'm so glad I didn't have that conversation in front of the 5SOS boys.

"What are you all looking at?" I ask, glancing at each of them, they were all smirking, apart from Michael who looked red.

"Matthews likes the Clifford" Calum chants.

"Wait what?" I ask, completely shocked, and Calum points to the window that was open.
Oh god they heard the whole conversation "Well you shouldn't have been listening" I frown, and walk to pick my phone up.

"Are you annoyed?" Luke asks.

"Yea very" I frown again.

"Michael fancies you too" Luke quickly says and I look at him while he goes red.

"You didn't just fucking say that did you" Michael snaps.

"It slipped" Luke whispers, and Michael leaps on to him from the other side of the couch "IM SORRY" Luke screams from under Michael.

"MICHAEL GET THE HELL OF LUKE" I shout, while Luke screams underneath Michael. Michael stops and clambers of the top of Luke, who's red in the face.

"Michael I know you don't fancy me, you don't need to kill Luke for trying to make it less awkward" I nervously laugh, and walk away. Does Michael like me?

"Yea" Michael nods, and let's out a laugh, well more of a forced laugh. I continue to walk over to the bed that was mine and climb into it. There was a picture of me and Niall stuck on the wall, I didn't take it off the wall and rip it up, I just left it. Niall doesn't deserve me doing something like that to him, I mean I don't even think I'm mad at him anymore and I don't think we need a break, I would quite happily have Niall back as my boyfriend right now. Just this stupid crush with Michael is getting in the way.



I wake up startled from the music coming form the lounge area. I get up and clamber of the bed and walk into the lounge area. Everyone looked drunk, both 1D and 5SOS even Brittany looked out of it. I looked over to where Niall was, he was watching the Tv, or watching Brittany dancing. Great. I look around and see Michael sat looking at his phone. He must have clocked me staring because the next thing I new he gestured for me to come over. I walked over and sat down next to him.

"You ok?" He asks, and puts his phone down. I nod "Do you like me?" He asks, and I feel my checks flush.

"I don't think we should be talking about this, Michael"

"Everyone is drunk apart from us. The musics loud. Just tell me"

"WHOS UP FOR THE BAR" Louis shouts and everyone almost instantly replies, apart from Michael, who stays silent.

"Mikey, you coming?" Ashton asks "Evie, you coming"

"No, I'd prefer to stay here" I say.

"Yea, I'm not up for it either Ash, see you guys later" He says, and watch them walk out of the bus.

"So what do you wanna do?" Michael asks, as soon as the door shut.

"I don't mind, you know you could have gone if you wanted to" I shrug.

"Well getting pissed it fun, just not in the morning when you get a hangover and feel like shit" He says.

"Brittany's gone with them. She knows that me and Niall have broken up. Niall was watching her dance before. What happens if she takes advantage of him while he's drunk?" I say, staring at the wall.

"Evie, why are you worrying about Niall?" Michael asks.

"I don't know, seriously. But I need to stop"

"Seriously, though" Michael says, looking
away from the Telly "In a total platonic way your hot. You'll fine another guy"

A blush rose to my cheeks "Same to you" I said "In a total platonic way"

Michaels eyes slid from the corner of the TV and over to me "Well then" he said "Do you wanna... Platonically make out?"
Sorry for a really short and crappy chapter, but it's been really hard to write at the minute. BUT luckily I've wrote the next chapter as well so that should be up in a couple of days:) thanks for the comments and votes! Ly all:)

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