Chapter 9

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Evie's POV:

Right now we are deciding on what to watch. I looked at Niall, who was sat next to me on the couch. He smiled and I smiled back.


Liam walked into the kitchen and fetched some snacks and turned of the lights. Louis sat next to me and the movie began.

Niall leaned and whispered in my ear "could you tell Louis to pass the popcorn, please" his cool breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey Lou, can you pass the popcorn please" I whispered.

He handed it to me and I passed it to Niall. Just as I was about to get some, Louis pulled my hand away.

"Hey!" I said.

"Niall doesn't share his food with anyone"

I guessed Niall heard this because he put the bowl in my lap.

Louis looked stunned and looked back at the telly.

"You can have some, but don't eat it all" Niall whispered. I laughed and took some before giving it back to him.

I jumped. And wanted to move position on the sofa. I leaned my head on Niall's chest, while I brought my legs onto the couch. Just as I was about to get the slightest comfy, Louis began to whine

"I can't see because of you knees" Louis whined.

"I'm sorry" I said and put them over Louis's legs.

I realised I still had my head on Niall's chest and decided to pull it away.

"Sorry Niall" I said.

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me back to his chest.

"Your warm" Niall says while my green eyes met his blue eyes. I looked away and felt my cheeks go red. Gosh I was really developing feels for this boys. I couldn't believe he was acting like this, to be honest I liked it very much.

Louis looked over to me and lifted an eyebrow at me, because he could see I was lying on Niall's chest and that Niall had his arm around me

I yawned and then closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and looked around. Realising I was on the floor with Niall's arm draped over me. I noticed everyone was on the floor, the room was dark and I couldn't really see. I wanted to get closer to Niall, I noticed there was a cover over us. I didn't want to wake Niall, but me being me woke him.

"Evie..." Niall mumbled while he opened his eyes.

"Niall could you get closer to me" I asked.

"Okay" he slurred. He somehow ended up with his head in my in my neck, I could feel his cool breaths on my neck. Soon I just fell asleep with the sound of his slow breathing.


I could hear voices.

"Awh, look they look so cute" I heard.

I opened my eyes to five people looking at me. Louis, Gemma, Harry, Liam and Zayn. I looked at Niall who was still in the same position as last night. His head in my neck, and a hand on my waist.

"OI NIALLER WAKE UP!" Louis screamed.

"Ow" I winced as Niall hit my ribs with his hands. I held my ribs and Gemma helped me up.

"Sorry for hitting you Evie, Louis made me jump" Niall mumbled.

"It's fine Niall" I said.

"Gosh I get blamed all the time" Louis said.

"I slept great!" Niall said.

"We could sorta maybe tell" Gemma winked.

Niall blushed and walked over to me and Gemma. He took my hand and said "let's all go somewhere for breakfast"

I didn't move my hand from Niall's "Niall I can't go looking like this"

I pointed at my hair, and my clothes from yesterday.

"You can wear my hoodie" Niall offered.

"You can wear my sweatpants" Harry also offered.

"Alright thanks!" I said.

Harry walked out of the room and threw me some sweatpants, while Niall fetched his jumper and gave it to me.

"Hey Haz, go fetch your brush" Gemma asks him.

He walked back to his room and fetched out his brush "thanks, hey Evie want to use it" she asked handing me the brush. I nodded and took it, brushing out the knots in my hair.

We all piled into Louis car, well van like car and we set of to find food.

We ended up going to a corner shop.

"I want crisps" Niall said.

I walked around and grabbed some Haribos and a water from the drinks. Niall took the items of me and walked over to the counter. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Paying" he said.

Once he paid he gave me my items. I pulled him into a hug "thank you Nialler" I whispered to him.


We left and Niall put his arm around my waist, I felt safe with Niall.

Everyone ate and seemed happy.

"So Evs, did you have a good time hanging out with us?" Louis asked.

"Yeah!" I said, and that was the truth, I felt happy for the first time in my life.

"That's good, because Niall defiantly-" Louis began.

"LOUIS" Niall shouted.

I smiled at Niall and he smiled back.

Once we got back to Lou's and Harry's flat we said our goodbyes, to Niall whining.

"I don't want you to leave" Niall whispered to me.

"Here" I said giving him my phone, while he gave his to me.

"I'll put the rest of the boys in" Niall said.

"Thanks" I said.

"See you later Evie" Niall says while pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead.

Once we got into the car Gemma wanted answers.

"So you and a certain blonde head Niall" she said.



Once we got home, I decided to take a shower, and then put my pajamas on.

I looked at my phone.

From: Nialler<3

I'm missing you Evie:(

To: Nialler<3

I was with you just over a hour ago;)

I miss you too Nialler.

From: Nialler<3

Wanna come over to my flat tomorrow, just us too?:)

To: Nialler<3


From: Nialler<3


I smiled and then realised he used a heart.

Remember to vote and comment about the story, it will help me loads<3

~ Isabella x

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