Chapter 64

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My mind kept racing back and forth, from what me and Niall had just done, to Andy, my Mum and the police.
I had finished getting dressed, and now I was getting the hair dryer.


"After all this is over baby" Niall begins, walking out of the bathroom with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist "I'm taking you out for your first drink, the guys will be coming too. Maybe we can go for a private meal somewhere, just us two, too?"

"Wouldn't that just be interesting, me drinking for the first time" I giggle "But I quite like the idea of us going for a meal, considering we've never technically been on a date before" I smirk.

"I'll give you a deal babe, because I don't want you staying here while me and the guys go out for a drink, if you come out with us tonight, I'll take you for a romantic, probably the best date ever, just us two, and I'll even take us to a hotel after, any where in America you want when we go next week, you pick, but that's if you come out with us tonight"

I huff, but sigh "Deal"

Niall smiles and walks over to me "We can leave as soon as you want to, okay baby?"

I nod "Niall when the police come, please will you sit with me while I tell them everything. I can't do this on my own"

"I promised to protect you, so of fucking course I'll be here for you. I love you baby girl"

"I love you too babe"

"Babe?" Niall smirks.

"Baby girl?" I smirk back.

"Shut up" Niall giggles, pulling me to his chest.

"Niall" I moan, and then smirk.

"What do you want baby girl?"

"Do you know what I find so cute, and that I really want right now?"

"What?" He cocks his eyebrow and then smirks.

I shake my head "I want a black pug so so so much, oh my gosh they are the cutest thing ever" I practically coo.

"What? And your boyfriend isn't?"

"Well maybe I could make an exception, but the pug probably wins" I shrug.

"Your so damn weird. I won't ever get you one if you say it's cuter than me"

I pout "Well then looks like Evie won't be getting a pug"

Niall shrugs, but then smirks "That's just too bad, baby girl"

"Hurry up and get dressed, I'll meet you where the guys are" I pout.

"Wait for me to get dressed, please" He asks, and I sigh, but nod.


"Guyyysss" I exaggerate. Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Michael, Luke, Ashton and Calum all turn and look at me "Niall won't let me get a pug because I said they are cuter than him, he's such a ass"

"Niall don't be so mean, if the girl wants a dog the girl should have a dog" Louis says, and then sniggers at Niall expression.

"Ill buy you a pug, but as long as we can call it Ketchup, because we've lost Ketchup the dog" Michael says.

"Oh my gosh yes Michael, buy me a dog, I'll love you forever"

"Will you actually call it Ketchup?" Michael asks.

"No, but sure" I giggle.

"Your not calling a bloody dog Ketchup. Thats just weird" Niall says from behind of me.

"Well if you bought it me, I'd let you help me pick"

Niall comes up from behind of me and wraps his arms around my waist "I'll buy you a dog"

"Oh my god, are you actually being serious?"

"Yes, when we get back to the UK, I'll buy you a puppy pug" Niall says in my ear.

I turn around and look at him "I love you so so so much" I wrap my arms around him and hug him.

"I love you too, but I'm cuter than a pug"

"Fine, okay, okay, okay, your cuter than a pug" I smile in his chest.

"Glad you finally agree" He laughs, when I let go of the hug "You could pick any dog, but you pick a dog that snorts and looks like a pig, why?"

"I've always wanted one, okay don't judge me" I pout "They are so adorable and fat and I just don't know okay"

"I wasn't going to, I was just wondering" Niall shrugs.

"Evie, the police are in the consultation rooms with your mum, I've just received a message from the staff" Harry says, and I sigh.

"I'm shitting it" I sigh.

"You'll be okay, just remember everything, tell the police everything" Liam says, giving me a warm smile.

I nod and breathe in a lot of air.

Everyone wishes me luck, and Niall follows me out of the door, Harry shortly following - he had insisted he should come, which to be honest I'm so glad he's coming. Niall grabs hold of my hand as we wait for the lift to arrive.

All three of us walk into the lift, and we press floor one, where the consultation rooms are.

"I hope this goes the way I want it to. I wish I came out clean in the hospital before I came to live with my dad. Maybe it would have been easier"

"Evie, this is not your fault, you were just to scared, everything is going to make sense, your mum should hopefully stick up for you" Harry says, however, I'm really not to sure if she will.

"I don't know Harry, I'm pretty sure she loves Andy more than she loves me, but then again, I think she's scared of him, she loves him, but I think she's confused, she loved him at the start, but now I think she has to love him, otherwise I think there is consequences. I don't know. Or she may just love him all together, I doesn't care about me"

"Evie, she's your mother, of course she loves you" Harry says, just as I'm about to reply the lift door opens.

"Evie Matthews?"

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