Chapter 13

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Evie's POV:

I looked at Niall in shock. I wanted to say yes. But Niall only asked because he got dared. Everyone was silent waiting for me to answer.

"I-uh.." I said.

"Evie, please be my girlfriend" Niall asks again.

"Do you want a serious answer, or was it just a dare?" I asked.

"Fine, you caught us. We planned it because Niall was too embarrassed to just come out clean" Louis said.

I looked at the ground.

"So what do you say?" Niall asked.

"No" i whisper. All the boys stop and stare "Im only saying no, because i think it was harsh and you guys put me on the spot. Niall" i turn and face him "You could have just come out clean, considering we have kissed" I say and run out of the room to where Gemma was. Tears started forming.

"Hey, whats up?" She asked, looking directly at me, "Why are you crying"

"Niall asked, well got dared to ask me out. However, it was a set up because Niall was to embarrassed to ask me out in the first place"

"And why is that so bad

"I got put on the spot, and I said no, even though I wanted to say yes"

"Why didn't you?"

I looked at her and slowly walked up the stairs to my room. I jumped on the bed and lay staring at the ceiling.

"Come in" I say to the person knocking at my door. I secretly hoped it was Niall.

"Hey there cupcake, what's up?" Louis asks while he shuts the door.


"Yeah that's the nickname I gave you, because your sweet"

I playfully smacked his arm "Hey there"

"As if that hurt" I laugh.

"It did. Why did you reject Niall, Evie? I know you like him and he likes you"

"Louis, I really like Niall, but... I don't know. I really wanted to say yes, but" I say stopping, the truth was I didn't know how to finish that sentence.

"Are you not ready for a relationship yet?"

"I guess so" The person in my dreams flooding my head.

"That's ok cupcake, just tell Niall that your not ready yet, tell him the truth"

"Thanks Lou, I really do love you" I say pulling him into a hug.

"I love you too, cupcake... Oh and some friends of ours are coming over later tonight, just to let you know"

"Ok, Louis could you go tell Niall I want to see him"

"Sure, cupcake, won't be a mo" he says while walking over to the door.

Louis POV:

"Niall?" I repeat, while walking into the living room. I scanned the room until my eyes caught sight of a very teary Niall "Evie wants to talk to you" I say while giving him my hand.


"Niall go talk to her, I'll drag you if I have to"

He looked at me and gave me 'are you serious ' look.

"You asked for it Nialler" and with that I picked him up and put him over my shoulder. The good thing is Niall's light to its easy to carry him.

"Let me go!"

"Stop screaming down my ear, for god sakes Niall, calm down!... Are you going to be a good boy and walk to Evie's room?"

"Let me go, I'll go see Evie ok!"

Niall's POV:

"Let me go, I'll see Evie ok!"

"Ok" Louis says while putting me back on the floor. I slowly walk up the stairs to Evie's room. Why does she want to see me? She looked pretty annoyed of with all of us when she left. She rejected me, even though she happily kisses me. What's up with this girl. I mean I owe her credit from her past. Before I could stop myself, my knuckle met the door.

"Come in" I hear.

Evie's POV:

"Come in" I say.

"Um, hi?" Niall says while slowly walking in and shutting the door.

"Niall I want to talk to you" I say while patting the bed next to me.

"Ok" he says and walks over, sitting where I told him to.

"Of course I want to be your girlfriend! I really do like you, but" I begin, gosh what's with all the 'buts' today.


"I'm scared-" I begin.

"Scared of what, Evie I'm not going to hurt you or force you into anything you don't want to do"

"Niall, I know"

"It's fine Evie" Niall says while standing up.

"Wait" I say, grabbing his arm, a strange sensation tingled in my fingers. I could tell Niall felt it too, from his confused look "Ill tell you why, ok?"

"I understand, Evie, you don't need to explain" Gosh this boy can be so stubborn.

"Niall for god sake, listen to me!"

He stopped and looked at me.

"I confess, I've had a really bad experience with boys. I guess you could probably understand what I mean by that"

"Evie, when your ready to start a relationship, I'm here. I promise I will never do anything that you don't want me to do. I'm not that kind of person"

I could tell Niall was telling the truth. I was happy. "Thank you Niall" I say before pulling him into a hug.

"Our friends are here" he say while reading his text message "you coming?"

I nod and follow Niall down the stairs, where I was met my the rest of the boys, Gemma and fours new boys.

"Oh my god!" I whisper.

Short chapter, but hey ho, hope you enjoyed it.

- Isabella x

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