Chapter 33

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3 thousand reads! I can't believe it, I remember when this got to 100 reads and I was jumping for joy. I want to just say thank you to everyone who is reading along:)

I go back to school on Wednesday, and it's going to be hard to write, but I'm going to make sure I update every week, because I'm dedicated like that;)

And I just want to say the comments that people write (not pointing out any one in particular - you know who you are;) ) they all make me smile.

I also have a cast list sorted out now, so if you want to have a look you can:)

Anyway, enjoy the update:)...


Evie's POV:

"Michael?" I whisper, rubbing my eyes, realising the laptop was on the table. I had no idea what time is was or how long I had been asleep for "Ow" I gasp, as I move my head from of Michael shoulder. He mumbles to him self, but stays asleep. I search my pockets for my phone, until I realise Niall still has it, I huff, and try to get Michaels arm of me.

"Evie?" Michael mumbles, moving his arm of me and sits up "Sorry"

"Don't worry" I smile "what time is it?"

Michael grabs his phone from of the table and checks the time "Well I have two things to say, it's seven, twenty three. And Happy Eighteenth Birthday" he smirks.

"What?! Wait your telling me we fell asleep all night?"

"Well it's still night time to Michael Clifford. It's so early" Michael groans.

"Sorry" I smile "wait do you think everyone left us and went to bed?"

"Yeah probs. They'll probably be asleep still. They didn't wake me up for food" Michael pouts, making me laugh "Should we continue watching Spiderman? Or do you want to go on YouTube?"

"YouTube" I smirk, while Michael rolls his eyes at me, he grabs his laptop and searches in YouTube "Whatcha want to watch?"

I take the laptop of him, and remember my promise to Ashton about watching the acoustic version of Voodoo Doll.

"This is going to be awkward" Michael says under his breath while it loads. I roll my eyes and watch the video.

Michael cringes at me when I go surprised at the 'ow' he makes at the start.

"I can feel you watching even when your no where to been seen, I can feel you touch, even when your far away from me" Michael, whisper-sings at his part. I smile at him and continue to watch. It's strange watching this, and sat with one of them.

"TELL ME WHERE YOU HIDING YOUR VOODOO DOLL CAUSE I CANT CONTROL MY SELF" Luke and Cal shout on the top of there voices as they come out of the bedroom they were staying in. No sign of Ashton though.

I smirk at them and continue to watch the video.

Just as the video finishes, Ashton walks out of the bedroom.

"It's really good by the way" I smile at Ashton, he looks relived by what I say.

"What?" He says, and turns to face me.

"Acoustic version of Voodoo Doll"

"Oh right" he says and turns away.

"Ashton what the hell, why are you being a complete-" I shout, before Michael puts his hand on my shoulder, telling me to stop. I sign in defeat and shrug Michaels hand of me. I stand up, and walk out of the lounge area, and over to the bedroom, seeing a shirtless Niall, trying to find a top.

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