Chapter 59

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Evies POV:

"Hi" Niall greets as we walk into One Direction's hotel room. The guys were sprawled out around the room, mostly on laptops and phones.

"Hey" Liam smiles "How's your family holding?"

"They're great. Excited to see us tomorrow" Niall smiles, while Liam smiles and nods back.

"Hi, Evie" Harry smiles walking up to me "How'd it go?"

"It was alright, Niall has a really nice family" I smile. Harry smiles and pulls me into his chest wrapping his arms around me. His aftershave very strong, and his grip very tight.

He lets go, and I follow him over to the couch where Liam and Louis were sat.

"Cupcake" Louis smiles, he's so cringy with the nickname he has for me "Did you and Niall have any fun?" He winks. I instendtly feel my cheeks start to burn, sugar "Wait...Niall" Louis screeches "Thats disgusting, you fucked her at your mum's house"

"Louis!" I shout "Don't talk like that, that's disgusting"

"Fine, fine. Niall you had sex with her at your mum's house? Harry! Niall fucked- had sex with Evie" Louis sniggers "Wait, Evie. Didn't you say you were a virgin?"

I gave him a small nod and stood up "I'm, um. I'm going to 5SOS's room. I'll catch you guys later"

What the fuck Louis. That was not cool. Let's just embarrass the fuck out of Evie. Thanks mate.

I knock on 5SOS's door, Ashton opens it and smiles "Evie's here!" He opens his arms and gives me a hug.

"I thought we weren't going to see you until later?" Michael asks "Is everything okay? You look flustrated" He walks over to me and Ashton. Do I actually look flustrated?

"Um, yea. I'm fine, Louis just really.. really embarrased me, so I left" I sigh "And I missed you guys" I wrap my arms around Michael, he responds and wraps his around me.

"Why did he embarrass you?" He asks, when we stop hugging.

"I guess you'll find out anyway. Right, so you know I went to Niall's we um, had" I say and then whisper "Sex"

"Wait, really!" Michael smirks "My little baby finally lost her virginity"

"Shut up" I roll my eyes "And Louis kinda found out by the expression on my face when he asked if we had any fun, and he then decided it would be a good idea to blurt out 'Niall fucked Evie at his mum's house' so yea"

"He's only being a dick, don't worry. So how was it?" Michael smirked.

"It fucking hurt. But it was okay, I guess"

"Guys. you do know I'm stood listening to this" Ashton interups.

"Shh, Ashton. I'm asking Evie questions about her first time"

"Michael your only being a jealous fuck. Leave the damn girl alone" Calum replies from the couch. Jealous? "Hey, Evie" He then smiles.

"Hi, Calum" I smile back "So what are we doing later?"

"Staying here, eating junk food, and watching shitty films" Ashton replies.

"Or I suggested we could go out to a club in town" Calum also added. No thanks.

"Noooooooo" Luke exaggerates "I wanna watch movies. Evie what do you think?"

"Yea, lets stay in and watch movies. I don't really want to go to a club and get drunk. Not after what I have seen it can do" I sigh, looking down at the floor. Someone pats me on my back, I look to see Ashton patting my back and giving me a simperfetic smile. I smile back "What time is it?" I ask just as a knock is delivered at the door.

Ashton opens the door, reaviling Niall "Hello, Niall"

"Hi Ashton. Evie do you mind if you come back to our room for like ten minutes until we go on stage?"

I nod, and say bye to the 5SOS boys. The door closes behind us and Niall grabs hold of my hand.

"I'm sorry about Louis. I know he really embarrased you" Niall sighs, stopping from walking.

"Yea" I sigh, looking at the wall behind Niall.

"Are you mad?" Niall asks looking at me confused.

"Nope, just a little pissed off at Louis" I say.

"Okay. Harry gave me a big lecture" Niall sighs.

What? "About what?" I laugh, and Niall smiles.

"About me having sex with, he even asked if I forced it upon you"

Harry actually asked that? "Oh gosh, you've not fallen out have you?"

"Nah, he's just a bit like, you've just taken my sisters virginity. But oh well, it was worth it" He smiles, then kisses me "I love you, baby"

"I love you too, Niall" I smile, then kiss him again.


"Have a fantastic time" I say to all the boys, they all agreed and added a few "hell yeahs" and "can't waits"

"Hey. Evie?" Louis says, standing right in front of me, kinda actually looking guilty "I'm so sorry for embarrassing you. I really didn't mean to"

"It's fine, doesn't matter" I sigh, giving him a smile "Have a great time on stage"

"Thanks, and thanks" He smiles, before Niall walks up to us. Louis walks away leaving us two.

"Have a good time with the 5sos boys, princess" He smiles.

"Have a good time on stage, Niall" I smile back, giving him a peck on the lips. Which then turns into more of a longer kiss, when Niall puts his hands on my back.

"I hate to break your make out session again, but we need to go, Niall" Zayn interrupts, Niall gives me one last peck and grabs my hand making me follow him out of the door.

"I'll see you later" He says letting go of my hand and following the rest of the guys. Harry gives me a smile before turning a heel and following his band members.


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