Chapter 4

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Evie's POV:

I walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen, slowly sitting next to Harry's blonde friend. I could remember his name was Niall.

Niall looked at me a few times and gave me a smile, I didn't return them, I was in pain still with my ribs.

I heard a big thud come down the stairs, and then lots of giggling coming from Louis and Liam, while Harry and Zayn followed after them.

Zayn walked into the kitchen, Liam, Louis and Harry following, they all sat around the table.

"Hey Evie! We have something to ask you!" Louis says.

I looked at him with my arms crossed clenching my ribs.

"Since we started of on the wrong track, I though" Louis begins while all the boys look at him, apart from Harry who looked confused "well we thought it would be good if we invited you over to one of our flats"

"Thanks, but no" I said.

"PLEASE! we barely know you! It will be fun I promise!" Louis shouts in a begging position.

"Evie, I'm coming too" I familiar voice says. I looked up to see Gemma leaning on the door frame.

I looked at Louis face, he had his bottom lip out, looking like he was going to cry if I didn't say yes.

"Fine" I say, and then looked at Harry, who still looked confused.

A couple of hours later, I walked past Harry's room. I could hear whispering, loud whispering.

"I can't believe you idiots invited her, she's a mistake!" I could hear Harry yell.

"Harry you have been pretty awful to her. You need to give her a chance, you have no clue what she's like." I could here Liam say "you never know we could all become best of mates"

"Harry quit it, I'm sure she's nice, we are hanging out with her, like it or not, plus she's hot" Zayn says.

I laughed, and then I heard Niall say "did you hear that?"

"Let's go check it out" Louis says.

I ran directly to my room and jumped on my bed. Stupid mistake, I groaned out in pain, clenching my ribs. I wasn't getting up when I heard a knock at the door "who is it?"

"It's the extremely hot, sass master, your lover, Louis" He yelled.

"Please GO AWAY!" I shouted.

"Nope we are coming in" he yelled back.

He twisted the door, just before he could see me, I screamed "IM NAKED!"

Louis screamed and shut the door. I heard laughs, so I walked over to the door and opened it.

"I thought you were-" Louis begins.

"I lied" I reply.

I looked at Niall who had something on his chin, I needed to wipe it off. I shocked everyone by walking over to him and holding his chin. He stopped laughing at this point, while I gazed in his eyes and he gazed into mine. This was the first time I saw how beautiful his eyes were.

"Sorry, it was annoying me" I say, while everyone broke into a silence.

"It's alright, erh, thanks" he said in his cute Irish accent.

"I'm going to bed, I guess I'll see you in the morning" I said to the boys and walked into my room.

I felt embarrassed, and I bet Niall thought I was a right werdio doing that... Wait I don't care what Niall thinks off me?!

Nialls POV:

I was sure I went red.

"Ooooh, the Nialler has an admirer" Louis says.

"Shut up" Harry growled.

"Why are you mad that your new sister wiped food of Niall's chin?" Zayn nagged him.

"How many times, she's not my sister!" Harry yelled.

"Harry..." I said.

"What, Niall, she's the one that wiped food of you. That's wired, she's wired." Harry said crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes and though about Evie, her eyes were brown, and her brown hair, was naturally wavy.

"You know what Harry, you've hurt her feelings every time you have seen her. I don't think she's wired." I said defending her.

"I think Niall fancies her" Louis says sticking his eyebrow up at me.

"Shut up Lou, I hardly know her, she been around us for like two days" I said.

We all left, Harry and Louis went to their flat, Liam went to his, Zayn went to his, and I went to mine, shut the door and thought about Evie.

Evie's POV:

I groaned and sat on my bed while looking around the room. It was different to my old room. I didn't know the feeling when someone cared about me. It's strange, Gemma and Des, well my dad, caring about me. It felt different a good different.

I wonder what people would think of me if they knew what happened before I moved here. I bet they probably would be scared of me. I was completely held up in thoughts I didn't realise that someone was knocking at my door.

"Evie can I come in?" I heard Gemma say.

"Yes!" I said.

"So I was thinking, we could have the girls day on Friday I was talking about?" She said.

"Yeah ok!" I replied.

"Also, you need to dress cute, wear something I bought you, I'm not going to spoil the surprise but I'm going to set you up with someone!" Gemma said.

"Oh no, I thought we were having a girly night" I whined.

"Oh shhh, you'll love it" she said.

"Alright" I said.

Gemma smiled with a cheeky grin, and left me alone in my room. I wonder what she has planned.

I thought back to when I last had a boyfriend, however Andy made it very hard for me. I must had been around fourteen. I had never been kissed, well that was sort of a lie I had been kissed on my cheek in year 8,

Maybe getting a boyfriend would be good for me. Being able to socialise more, I was never able to socialise at home. Andy pretty much ruined my life.

I walked to the shower and turned in on. Slowly, taking my clothes off, it took me a while because of my bruises and ribs. I got into the shower and started singing a song, that I hadn't sung for a while.


I smiled as I stepped out of the shower. I dried my self down and put my underwear and bra on. I put some black leggings on and a new dog/wolf top Gemma bought me. I looked at the wolfs eyes, they reminded me of Nialls.

I shook my head. Was wrong with me!? I couldn't stop thinking about Niall.

I started brushing my hair, and left it to dry by its self.

I sat on my bed and wondered about what Niall was doing. It was almost eight and I felt bored.

A few seconds later I heard Dad call from down stairs.

"Gemma and Evie, come downstairs we can all watch a movie"

I walked slowly downstairs and sat on the couch next to Gemma.

"What we watching?" I asked.

"Ahh, that's the surprise" Dad says winking at me.

"Oh my! You look to cute, that jumper suits you so well!" Gemma says streaking and clapping her hands.

I smiled and we began to watch the film.

Once the movie was over I went upstairs and fell asleep quite fast.

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