Chapter 66

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"I, don't....."

"Mum, please" I practically plead "Please do this for me..not Andy"

"I, don't-"

"Please mum, I'm begging you to say the truth. You got Andy out of prison when he smashed my head into the glass, you-"

"Okay, okay" She sighs "Stop..I know..he's had enough chances..everything Evie has said has been the truth..I'm so so so sorry you've been put through all this..I'm sorry for being a pretty fucked up mum..I'm sorry for anyways defending him..I thought I loved him..I thought he loved me..obversely not..I'm so sorry Evie. I wished I could've prevented all this, but the truth is I was scared, I was scared of him, I was scared of losing everything if I gave him in..I'm just so sorry. Everything Evie had said if true, she is not a liar okay, everything she's said has been the truth..I just couldn't stop it, I was scared of him"

So much relief had been lifted of my shoulders, she agreed, I wanted to smile and jump around, but I couldn't, it would look so bad. My mum was crying at this point, I wasn't to sure how to react. She's lost everything..but I still promised her I would help her. I know she won't accept it but I can't leave her. I mean I don't mean we are on good terms, because I'm still so terribly disappointed in her. She had wrecked my life until now.

I hadn't really listened to how the interview had finished, all I know is that everything was okay for me..I think. My mum was still crying, and the stress of everything that had just happened had taken a toll on me, the headache that the hospital nurse said I would get, started to progress, and now it was bad.

"Evie, Harold, Niall, you can go now. Evie we will be in contact with you"

I nodded and rubbed my forehead. Getting ready to stand up after Niall and Harry had. We walked to the lift.

"See what I said, it went good in the end" Harry smiles, and I squint my eyes at him.

"Yea" I manage to say.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks grabbing my shoulder.

"No, headache" I sigh.

The lift door opened and we walk to the hotel room. Everyone was basically still sat in the same position as how we had left.

Everyone was now staring at me, Niall and Harry. My head was hurting, so I walk over to the sofa where Michael was at and sit down resting my head on Michael's.

"Good or bad news?" Michael asks, putting his arm around me.

"It's good actually, I just have a headache" I sigh.

"Shit, that's what the hospital said. If you are starting with the signs, you need to take them tablets that they gave you" He said pointing to the table.

"What?" Niall asks.

"The hospital warned Evie, that after the incident she'd get bad headaches for a few days, but they gave her some tablets that should ease the pain" Michael said.

"Liam" I moan "Can you pass me the tablets from off the table please" I ask him, considering he was sat at the table.

"I'll get you some water" Niall says, and I thank him.

Liam passes me the tablets and I take them out of the packets. It read 'take two when symptoms start to occur'

Niall brings me the water, and I take to tablets out of the packet and put them into my mouth, swallowing with water.

"So what happened?" Liam asks, looking at me, and then Niall and Harry.

"Do you want to tell them, Evie?" Harry asks.

"Can you, I'm not feeling too good" I sigh "But it's good news" I smile.

"Okay, well Evie told them what had happened the other day, by the way everything was recorded. They then asked Evie's mum if she had anything to say, like if Andy had slapped Evie because she didn't smile at her mum, and if he had pushed her down the stairs. She called Evie a liar, and said the only reason why Evie got slapped was because she was being rude to her stepfather. They then asked me and Niall was happened, and I think Evie also included you guys in it too" Harry says pointing to the 5SOS guys "She talked about how she send the address to Michael and stuff. Anyway, Niall said what she was like on the phone and stuff. We then had a break, and Evie got asked about what she had meant about her life before she moved in with her dad. Evie told them, she cried, and it was awful hearing all that again" Harry sighs "Her mum then got asked, she denied it all again. Evie then tried her best to persuade her mum, she literally had to plead for her mum to finally agree. Her mum said everything Evie had said was true, and that she wasn't a liar, she was only denying it because she was scared of Andy apparently. And then we were allowed to leave"

My head was back on Michael's shoulder again, and I'm guessing everyone was talking to each other, but all I could hear was mumbles, as I was to zoned out.

What do I do with my mum now. I told her I would help her, but the truth is, and I don't want to admit this, and I hate the fact that I think this, but I honestly don't care. Yea, she may have been scared, but I was almost killed, the only good thing my mother has ever done for me is send me to live with my dad. If she hadn't had done that, the possibility of me being alive, well let's just say, slim.

I love my mum, don't get me wrong, even if you hate you mum, deep down you have some kind of love towards her, which of course I'm feeling right now. I'm just so hurt by everything, mentally and physically. My life is so fucked up, and I honestly hate it.

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