Chapter 56

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I've had my mock exams, and I've been ill this week, so I've had hardly any time to write. And for that I'm very sorry.

My spring break starts on Thursday, and I have two weeks off. Oh yeah! So I'll DEFO be able to write them.

Zayns still in my story, I just can't edit him out:( he's still a part of one direction to me.

I'm not sure how this chapters going to turn out, because I've had writers block:/

I hope its okay...

Niall's POV:

"She's a very pretty young woman" Denise says and I look down at Evie, who must have fallen asleep while we were watching some movie on the TV.

"I know" I murmur, still looking at her.

"Niall, are you listening?" My mum repeats, I look at her and she sighs "I said, what time are you two leaving tomorrow?"

"Around lunch, I think" My mum nods, just as the front door opens.

My father walks into the front room and looks at me, he then smiles when he see's Evie asleep on my lap.

"I'll be quiet" My dad smiles, sitting down on the couch next to Greg.

"It's fine, she's been out of it for a while. I don't think she'll wake up" I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh, alright" He smiles "How's the tour going?"

"Great, can't wait to preform here though" I smile, excitement running through my body "You guys are coming to the one in two days time, right?"

I earn a nod of everyone, and I smile. This is gonna be great!


Evie's POV:

"Evie?" Niall says, shaking my shoulders. I murmur and open my eyes, sitting up too fast. Bringing dizziness "Woah are you okay?" Niall asks, grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Yea, just moved to fast" I say, regaining my head back "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep" I say, trying to flatten my hair down.

"It's fine, you look exhausted anyway" He winks, causing a tap on the arm from me "I'm sorry to wake you but dinners ready" Niall smiles and I nod, standing up. Niall grabs hold of my hand and follow him into the dining room, another man sat down that I hadn't been introduced, it must be- "Dad this is my girlfriend, Evie" Bobby.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Evie. I'm Bobby" The man smiles, he had bright blue eyes just like Niall, Greg and Theo. I guess it runs through the men in the Horan family.

"Hello" I smile, following Niall to the left hand side of the table where two seats where left.


"So Evie, will we be meeting your parents any time soon?" Maura asks, my heart stops and I drop my fork on to my plate.

"Shit.." I curse "Sorry"

"It's alright. So what do you think?" She asks again. I look at Niall for help, but he's already staring at his mother, who hasn't realized.

"Um, I guess you've already met them. Des, Harry's dad.. He's my father"

"I meant your mother?"

Shit, I should have planned that this was going to happen "You, um- I'm not very close to my mother. So..I'm not sure..?"

"Oh..I'm sorry" She mutters. My left hand his taken into Niall's right hand and squeezed.

We continue to eat..akwardly.

"So, Evie..tell us a bit about you?" Bobby smiles, and I nod putting my fork down.

"Okay, well I'm Evie. I'm eighteen, and I'm from Cheshire, but I then moved to Manchester with my mum and stepfather. Then a couple of months ago I moved to London to live with my dad, and that's about it" I sigh, tucking my hair behind my ear "I'm not a very intresting person"

"Where you a fan of One Direction before you came to find out that Harry Styles was your step-brother?" Denise asks, and I shake my head.

"No, actually..I hadnt really paid attention to them due to the fact I never listened to my own music at home" I shrug "But I mean now I'm a fan, I've taken a liking into their music" I smile "Thank you for a lovley meal, I'm stuffed"

"That's guite alright my dear" Maura smiles.

"Mum, we are gonna get an early night. It's been a busy day" Niall says, and his mum nods.

"Niall, wait..Maura would you like my help to clean?"

"That's quite alright your the guest, Denise will help. You go upstairs and rest. Thank's for the offer though" She smiles, and I nod. Niall grabs hold of my hand and we walk to the stairs.

"I never asked, do you want to sleep with me or in the spare bedroom?" Niall asks, just as we get to the stairs. Gosh, doesnt he already know the answer? There is no way I'm sleeping on my own, I just won't sleep. I hate sleeping in new places by myself, I guess I developed that fear.

"Um, with you. I mean if that's okay" I say, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Niall chuckles "We've being dating for a few months, it's not awkward"

"I know, I know. It's just.." I shrug.

"Are you sleeping with me tonight?" Niall smiles, and I nod "Well that's set, c'mon"

I follow Niall up the stairs to (I'm guessing) his bedroom. It was a lot cleaner than I expected a guys bedroom to be. But then he hardly ever stays here because of the tour. I wonder what it's like to be away from a family that loves you, going months on end without seeing them. How do the guys do it? Maybe it's not that hard? I don't know.

"Evie?" Niall chuckles "Are you listening?"

"What? Sorry, I was thinking" I say, sitting on Niall's bed.


"Do you miss your parents, you know while your away?"

"Of course. But I wouldn't change it for the world" He smiles "Is that what you were thinking about?"

I shrug "What we're you asking me before?"

"If you wanted to watch a film and cuddle? I mean it sounds cheesy, but-"

"I would like that very much" I smile "Do I have some clothes in that bag over there?" I ask, and Niall nods. I get up from of the bed and walk over to the bag.

I route through it and find a top and a pair of cotton shorts. Niall's already in his bed by the time I'd finished getting dressed.

I get under the covers with him, his arm wraps around me, pulling me next to him.

"I love you"

"And I love you"

Cringe much:/ - I'm so sorry if this was a short and v bad chapter, but writers block sucks:/ please vote, it means the world:)))

Our Story - Niall Horanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن