Chapter 71

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I expected to wake up hung over... But I wasn't. I hadn't slept well, Niall had constantly been on my mind all night. However, I must have been asleep for a bit, because I hadn't felt Michael get out of the bed.

I couldn't be bothered getting dressed, the 5SOS boys have seen me at my worst. I made the bed, even though we were leaving today, its only polite in my eyes.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Luke and Calum were staring at Ashton's phone.

"Morning" I say. Ashton looks up and me and then back at his phone, nudging Luke "What's up"

"Um, I'm taking you haven't checked you phone.." Luke asks, and I shake my head "Babe, come sit with me, I need to tell you something"

I hesitate, but walk over to him "I'm not sitting down, tell me what's gone on Luke"

"Ash show her the video.." Luke frowns. Ashton hands me his phone and I press play on the video...

The video finishes and it takes me a while to process.

There was no way about it..sure it was Niall there was no mistake to be made..I don't even want to admit it to my self..but I guess I'm going to have to..It had happened again..but this time is was a whole lot worse.

A fucking sex tape.

"Evie?" Someone says.

I had come out of my own world, and finally hit reality.

Falling to the floor, all three of them jumped to my sides.

I wanted to tell them to get off me, to leave me alone. But the words just couldn't come out of my mouth. My heart literally feels like its been snatched out of my chest, leaving only a black hole.

"Evie, speak to us" Luke says, he looked like he was crying, I also realised that I was also crying.

"I was so fucking worried about him l-last night. I h-hardly slept. He was fucking someone behind my fucking back" I shout "He told me not to worry, t-that nothing like that would ever happen again, he fucking l-lied" I now cry.

Luke pulls me into a hug and I cry in his chest. After what felt like a couple of moments I pulled away.

Turn my pain and sorrow into anger.

That's what is now running through my head. I've been hurt before, this time I need to stand my ground. It's going to be hard but I have to do it. I'm strong.

"Where are you going" Calum asks, grabbing my wrist.

"To confront him and tell him its over for fucking good. I can't do this a third time" I sigh.

"Do you want one of us to come with you?" He asks, and I shake my head, it's better to go alone.

"No, I'll be okay. Does Michael know. Wait where even is he?" I ask, putting my converse one. I didn't bother putting any jeans on because Michael's top is long enough and there is no one else on this floor anyway so there is no point.

"He went to go and get some breakfast, he should be back soon..and no I don't think he does" Calum replies and I nod.

I walk out of the door and sigh. It's really over, me and Niall. I can't honestly believe it. After everything we have been through.

"Hey Evie?" Michael asks, I don't look at him but continue to walk. If I look at him and stop I'll end up breaking down again "Fucking stop" He shouts and grabs my arm "What's fucking wrong, why have you been crying?" He asks and pulls me into him "Talk to me right now"

"Check your phone, go on Twitter and you will fucking see" I say bluntly. I know I sound rude, but my life is caving in for the second time with Niall.

He nods, pulls his phone out of his back pocket, but keeps his other hand on my wrist so that I couldn't get away. He looks at his phone for a while until his eyes go wide "Is it a video you want me to look at?" He asks and I nod.

After a few second he turns his phone off and puts it in his back pocket "Fucking douche" He spits "Come here baby" He then whispers when he looks at me and sees me crying again. We end up both falling to the floor him sitting against the wall and me in-between his legs. Me crying and him just saying nothing but rubbing circles in my back.

"I need to go and confront him and tell him its over" I sigh now I have stopped crying.

"Your really finishing it with him?" Michael asks with a surprised tone.

"Yes, I told him last time if this ever happened again or anything similar it would be over because I couldn't go through something like last time again. Well something like last time has happened again only this time it was more than kissing"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Michael asks, I nod and stand up. We walk over to the 1D guys room and I knock.

Liam opens the door and smiles, but then frowns when he sees my face more clearly and that I was holding Michael's hand.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

Michael passes Liam his phone with his free hand "You better go and show it to the rest of them too" Michael says as we walk in. Liam nods and takes Michael's phone over to the sitting area and sits down. The boys gather around Liam apart from Niall, who was no where to be seen. Probably still fucking that girl.

Just as Harry is about to stand up the door behind me and Michael opens up. My heart sinks when I turn around to see Niall walking in. His expression changes when he see's me holding Michaels's hand. I almost want to let go, but I don't. I need to find a way to hurt him, just so he can feel a little bit of the pain I am feeling, it sounds bad but its the truth.

"W-what?" Niall stutters, his eyes still looking where mine and Michael's hands were locked.

"This?" I ask, raising mine and Michael's hand "It's not as bad as what your going to see me do next" I shout, letting go of Michael's hand and turning to face him. He looks down at me and I look up at him wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing his face down to my face.

I attached my lips against his, and began kissing him. He held back at first, put after a couple of seconds he started to fill the kiss with need.

I know this is hurting Niall, but he needs it. I'm angry and emotional. I don't even recall kissing Michael in any of my plan, I just literally decided to do it.

I let go and smiled at Michael.

"W-what?" Niall asks, I could see he was about to break down. Did what I just do class as cheating? Well who fucking cares, I watched him cheat on me twice.

"Why the fuck did you just do that?" Niall asks, leaning against the wall.

"She had the rights then" Harry says, walking up beside of me.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks "Why did you just do that?"

"Why did you fuck someone behind my back last night?"

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